Chapter 17: TISHA

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Stanford was the last college we visited and honestly I was glad the day was coming to an end. With my grades and I hate to brag but ...the Carter name, I was confident.

"I'm sooo tired." I say with a long sigh as we are getting out.

" Add hunger to the mix and you've got me" Sam groans next to me. "We should go get something to eat before I faint."

"It's 2pm. we totally can."

When we reach the car and I see Luke, I immediately know something is wrong.

"You alright Luke?" I ask frowning.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good." she shrugs it off.

"It's good to know i'm not the only one having a shitty day" Sam says entering the car and me and Luke chuckle. I see that Luke doesn't want to talk about it, so I let him.

Sam gives Luke direction to some restaurant and he starts driving. I put on my headphones and drown myself in music.

We enter the restaurant and I immediately loved it. From it's cozy chairs,flowers, to the sweet smell and neon posters, I know it will soon become my safe space.

"Well some things never change," said Sam wistfully. " I used to come here a lot of times when things would get heavy."

We go sit in the corner under some poster that says 'A chocolate muffin a day makes the day ok.'

"Wow i can't imagine you in this place" i say looking around and we both laugh.

"I am offended young lady" Sam says in mock hurt. "Anyways spill!"

"On what?" I think I know what she means but the innocent card has saved my ass a couple of times. But before she answers the waitress comes with our menus.

"I'll have an iced coffee please, tish?" she said, turning to me.

"chocolate milkshake"

"I could bet on that." Sam playfully rolls her eyes. "And you know exactly the tea I'm looking for."

"Fine." I roll my eyes and Sam rubs her hand excited. "You see like this morning he was acting strange and all that so I asked him what was wrong."

" Oh my God he better not be cheating on you that-"

"No, no. God no, why would you even think that?" I run my hands through my hair.

"Oops sorry hon. Please continue." I touched her hand reassuringly. I hadn't expected myself to get all that worked up but I did. The waiter brings our orders and I immediately take a sip of my shake. "I'm sorry again Tish, i shouldn't have said that"

"It's ok Sam. anyways the real reason was that he wasn't going to renew his contract and was going to tell Ben about us"

"Whoa, that's really huge. Where's he gonna work?"

"He's going to be a kick boxing pro." I really can't help the smile that tugs my lips because i' really proud of him.

"Wow, I'm really so proud of him. That kid deserves the best."

"I'll miss seeing him everyday but I'm so happy for him too."

Sam's phone rings.

"Oh it's Ben." she says before picking up. "Hey...yes we are done for the didn't?...are you ok?...ok sure." When she hangs up, her face is filled with confusion.

"Is everything alright?"

"I don't really know but he says he wants to see us urgently." she shrugs,

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