Chapter 16:(BEIRON)

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I don't know what I had in mind about my life. It's more like I woke up, went to work for the carters, came back, slept and started the same routine again and again. One would say that I had no big goals for my life and it's not entirely false. I think I felt I would be their bodyguard for an amount of time that I don't know.

It's not the opportunities that I missed for me to grasp and make something more for my life, I just guess I got too comfortable and wanted it to stay that way. Don't get me wrong, it's not as if I'm complaining though because the carters are amazing, but I think it's time I got out of my comfort zone.

Until her. The thought had crossed my mind a couple of times but I just pushed it back.

Tisha makes me feel like I want to make something more out of my life. It is something that I have thought over and over and I have decided on two things; First of all, I am telling Mr. Carter that I love her daughter and secondly, I am not renewing my bodyguard contract.

I have decided to accept Richard's offer. I want to go Kickboxing pro. Rick was ecstatic when I told him about my decision and said he can't wait to get me started. Sam has done a good job with keeping our little secret during the two weeks that have passed, though she makes sure to tease us discreetly every chance she gets.

"Morning Beiron." Greets my mom, sipping her coffee with her recipe book in hand.

"Morning mom." I pour myself a cup and sit down. My phone vibrates indicating a message and I quickly retrieve it from my pocket, knowing it's probably Tisha. It is.

-Wake up you lazy ass.

-Well aren't you just sweet. BTW i was already up.

- Bummer i was thinking of waking you up myself.

-Now that i think about it,i'm still very much asleep. Feel free to come wake me up.

-Okay. OMW



-My feelings are very much hurt rn

-Poor baby

-What are you doing today?

-Checking out some colleges with Sam.

-Sounds interesting as hell.

-Right? I can't wait. (You're kidding I hope.)

-Of course.

-Good. I gotta go. Come here soon?

-In a few.

"I can imagine." Says my mom besides me with a smile and I chuckle. She wasn't surprised when I told her about me and Tisha. She says she had a feeling it would happen from the time she saw her on my birthday.

The front door opens and Luke comes in.

"Well, look who is here." My mom beams as he hugs him.

"Morning Anne." He says and sits next to me.

"Did you two get fired? because this is unusual." Says my mom as she pours him a glass of juice then comes to stand in front of us.

"No mom we didn't." I assure her.

"Well you better start talking because obviously something is going on." Her tone turns serious and she crosses her arms impatiently.

"Well, today we were supposed to renew our contracts with the carters but I'm not gonna do it because this is gonna be the last term with them." My mom looks shocked when I finish, Luke seems surprised but a smirk creeps on his face. I had planned to tell him on the way but it's still not a big deal knowing it like this.

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