Chapter 23: Beiron

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A/N: Thank you everyone who continues to read my book and votes for it, it makes my heart so happy. ILY

Dedicated to merlin285x
I almost lost my shit when Tisha told me she was in the same class as Kevin. I could see her
trying to shrug it off as a simple dislike but I sensed something more.

Did he do something to make her uncomfortable? Maybe I was being paranoid but if the fucker actually touched her I'll do more than break his bones.

I'm leaning on my car when I see her coming towards the parking lot with her friend Mei.

Her name is Mei, not like the month but M-E-I, she'd highlighted last week when she was telling me about her day.

I think she thinks I forget people's names but I certainly do not.

It's just something I do to repulse people.

The two of them say goodbye and go their separate ways. She looks around the parking lot scanning for me and when she sees me, her face lights up with a smile and walks faster.

"If this week had one more day, i wouldn't have survived it" she leans up to give me a quick kiss on the lips then wraps her arms around my neck leaning on me. I pull her closer and hold her.

"You look like you're seconds away from collapsing." I pull back to look at her face but her head falls against my chest again. I know she has been studying so hard even though she tries to downplay it.

She looks at me with her tired eyes and gives me a lazy smile."That's not true,Can you come to sleepover? It feels like forever since we spent some time together" she says from my arms.

Two weeks since she started college but she's been swamped with too much work that she had no time. We still Facetimed and texted and I took her to school but besides that we didn't spend time together.

"Okay i'll come" i say trying to supress my excitement and she kisses my jaw.

"We'll pass by my house to grab a change of clothes."

"Let's go there first." she says, excitement filling her voice. We pull away and enter the car.

"Let's go get you something to eat first" I say starting the car.

"I took a snack before class, so i'm not that hungry " she tries to convince me. I'm not totally convinced but I let it slide because I'll make sure she eats at my house.

She connects her phone to the car and plays some slow song. I know neither the artist nor the song but when i look at her, her eyes are closed, head moving to the slow tempo of the song.

To be young and in love, the song says.I find myself slowly enjoying it too.

« Who's she? »

« Lana del Rey » she sighs.

She looks so relaxed. I place my hand on her thigh and she smiles, her eyes still closed. It has become a habit everytime i'm in the car with her, I place my hand on her thigh, only removing it to switch the gear. I like touching her. Always.

The ride is spent in a comfortable silence with her enjoying her slow and sad-sounding songs and me enjoying the fact that she's enjoying them.

My mom opens the door after two knocks when we reach there.

"Hey you two!" She hugs me then pulls Tisha into her arms and hugs her tightly. I'm worried if she's breathing.

She pulls away and pecks her both cheeks like french people."Long time no see. How is college?" she says leading us in.

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