Chapter 12:(Beiron)

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A/N: Hey my loves. Hope you're doing fine.The songs for this chapter are:

-Savage love by Jason Derulo

-When it comes to you (cover by Jungkook)

-Mutual by Shawn Mendez

-Perfect by Ed Sheeran

Happy reading, xoxo

Dedicated to teta_ah


I have been driving around for two hours waiting for Tisha to wake up but from the looks of it, she doesn't plan on doing so any time soon. I turn to look at her and smile. I couldn't help but admire the way she looked so peaceful as she slept. She shifted and turned her face in my direction, murmuring something in her sleep. I could sit and watch her sleep every day and never get tired.

Eyes on the road you idiot or you are going to wreck this car with the both of you in!

I turn back my attention on the road but I can't shake the memory of her panicked voice when she called me. I had never heard her like that and it snapped something in me because I was on my feet before I knew it. I don't know what might have triggered her in that crowd, but I doubt it was her nervousness. I am sure it was something else though she hasn't told me anything.

Did she see someone she knows? Did someone threaten her? I doubt it because I would have seen it on the footage. Then what the hell shook her like that? No matter how much I want to know, I'm not going to push her. I'll wait till she's ready.

No matter how unfortunate this situation turned out to be, I'm glad she called me, that she thought of me as a person she could lean on. I want her to know she can trust me, lean on me and that I'll always be there for her.

To kill more time, I drive to the French restaurant I took Tisha to and get her a cup of coffee and pancakes to eat when she wakes up and a coke for myself. When I come back to the car, she is still sound asleep with her hair falling to her face hiding it. I reach out as quietly as I can and tuck the fallen strands back from her face.

I don't know where she wants to be right now but I doubt it is in this noisy area and if she wants calm, I'll take her somewhere calm then. That's how I find myself driving to a place I haven't been in a while. It's a calm amusement park where families mostly come for family picnics and day-outs in the summer and as most of them they are open daytime and closed nighttime. Besides I know the old guy named Derrick who works here and has let me in a couple of times when I needed to clear my head and get my shit together.

I park in front of its big gate and get out to first see if Derrick is there to let us in. He must have heard the car and came to check because I immediately saw him coming.

"Who's there?" He asks, flashing his torch on my face and suddenly recognizes me. "Ah my boy." his old face breaks into a smile and I smile back. Derrick is probably hitting his 70's but he had refused to retire from this job and I guess the community must really like him because they also let him.

"What's up Derrick." I say and he opens up the gates for me.

"You know, some old, same old. And you, tell me. What's wrong this time?" he asks, looking at me from head to toe.

"Nothing about me this time. I actually brought someone here." I say and he raises his brow questioningly.

"Someone as in a girl?" he smirks teasingly and I snort, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah and you better not give me shit when she's here." I warn him which only seems to amuse him further. "I'm serious Rick."

"That I see you are, Beiron. She must be special then if you are threatening me to better be on my best behavior. Anyways, where is she?"

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