Chapter 22: TISHA

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Today is my first day in this new college and I'm both excited and kinda nervous. I'm not very good at making new friends, hence Maddy is my only friend. Even in my last college, I didn't have friends.I just went, studied, worked at the restaurant with Maddy and that was it.

Maybe this time I should loosen up and try to make some friends. Not a lot but one or two at least.

"You're alright?" Beiron's hand touches my thigh, startling me from my thoughts. I don't even know for how long I zoned out.

"Yeah" I give him a tight smile.

"Hey you've got this ." turns his head to look at me .He removes his hand from my thigh and takes my hand, rubbing his thumb at the back of it.

"Take deep breaths, slowly" he instructs and I start doing so.

"Thanks for thinking so"

"No problem baby." he winks at me and flashes me a smile. "Besides you're so smart like really really brilliant"

"I can imagine you sitting in this office,looking all concentrated and serious, making these bad-ass designs, See how sexy that looks? And you know the best part?"


"Me coming to your office" he glances at me with this secret smile. "And bringing you flowers." he says but i don't believe that's what he wanted to say.

"I'd love that. I like flowers."

"And we'd be having loads of sex on your desk."

"Oh my god i knew it.'' I laugh and smack his arm lightly. But my mind wanders at the thought. I picture him coming into my office with those flowers or without them, it wouldn't really bother me if he didn't.

I know the reasonable side of me would be opposed to us fucking in my office but it never really holds a chance before Beiron. I'd give in, I know it. Even knowing there is a chance of someone hearing us or finding us, I know I'd do it. With him.

"You're thinking about it?"

"Thinking about what?" I feign innocence.

"Come on" he groans

"Fine." I sigh defeatedly. "Yes I was."

"And did you like it?"


"Guess I'll have to find out for myself." his words laced with a promise. "I am a very patient man."

His words shouldn't turn me on as much but they do. Very much, that i have to cross my legs to reduce the ache between my legs. He must cave caught onto that because he immediately grabs my thigh and pulls it to uncross my legs.

"Don't do that" his eyes stay on the road and he smiles. He fucking knows what he's doing.

I scowl and that amuses him even further. Luckily I can see us approaching Stanford.

There are a lot of cars so he parks a couple metres away.

"Here you go, college girl." he says, turning to me. I grab my laptop bag from the backseat. I can feel myself getting nervous.

I turn to give him a quick kiss on the lips but he's not having any of that. Just as I'm about to pull away, his hand finds my jaw and he pulls me closer, and kisses me slowly. He takes his time; nibbling my bottom lip gently, tongue coaxing mine. No urgency, no other motive behind the kiss than living in the moment. The two of us. We pull away to catch our breath and he plants a kiss on my nose.

THE BODYGUARD AND I(Beiron and Tisha's story)Where stories live. Discover now