Chapter 5:(TISHA)

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Beiron looks tense as he drives. Is my presence making him uncomfortable? But then what did I do? I steal a glance at him when he is not looking.

Nothing. His face is blank of all emotions. Why is it damn hard to read this guy?

My hand had touched his when we both reached for the door. There was an electricity spark in that simple innocent touch. The one with red signs that warned you had to be careful. I wondered if it was because he was a guy but I somehow knew I wouldn't feel the same if it was another guy.

From the corner of my eye, I could see him looking at me from time to time but doesn't say anything. He just clenches his jaw and drives on. Then I remember Luke telling me that Beiron had a problem hitting on his girl.

His girl. My subconscious repeats. I think I don't like the sound of that.

Well you probably should because there will never be anything between you two and don't forget the fact that you're 17 and he sees you as a kid. My head reminds me.

"So...tell me about her" I force out of my mouth.

" About who?" he asks with confusion in his voice but he keeps his eyes on the road.

" Your girl." I say quoting "girl" with my fingers.

" Ah. I had forgotten about that bastard Luke" he says with an exasperated sigh and runs a hand in his dark hair leaving it a bit messy on top. I wanted to touch it too. Feel it.

Whoa girl calm the hell down. My subconscious butted in again.

" Um...okay" I say, waiting for more.

"Okay. I'm sorry for snapping at you, it's not your fault anyway. But Luke really fucked up my morning" he says softly this time.

" You see, I totally understand that you don't wanna tell me about her as we only met yesterday so don't feel guilty for not telling me anything" I told him . "It's not my business anyways" I added.

What did I seriously think? That just because he helped me last night and smiled at me, you are now bffs? ha

He opens his mouth as if to say something but I don't let him.

"Shhhh. case closed" I say, closing my eyes and leaning back in my seat.

He turns on the music and starts rapping along the song. I don't know the song but the voice sounds familiar Eminem's probably.

I watch him quietly till the song is done. I'll really admit there is something about his smug expression, the way he looks into it that made me feel some heat in my cheeks and I look away.

Why the hell am I blushing over some guy who has a girlfriend. Well I don't know that but I know he likes her and he wants to tell her.

"So what do you think? X-factor or America's got a talent ?" he jokes and I can't help the huge smile that plays on my lips. I bit back a laugh.

"Um.. yeah. Why not the two? I mean what a talent!" I say in an exaggerated tone and we both laugh.

"I can't believe you are mocking this voice of gold" he touches his heart faking hurt but despite his efforts to stay serious, we burst into laughter.

"Ouch. That must really be hurting your ego."

" I'm not kidding though. My heart is crushed" he says and I laugh again but even after laughing the smile stays on my lips.

As I said, I didn't usually be this carefree to people that I just met. I usually opened up little by little and only when they proved they were worth it. With him I didn't have to force it. In fact I didn't have a choice, I just found myself like that. Happy.

THE BODYGUARD AND I(Beiron and Tisha's story)Where stories live. Discover now