Chapter 14:(BEIRON)

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A/N: Happy reading loves.

Dedicated to kpatience. much love


"So, you took her to this place you go to. What the hell! I didn't even know you had some sort of secret spot." Luke exclaims and takes another swig of his beer.

"Yup. And why would I tell you? I go there to be away from everyone to find peace." I shrug and take a sip of mine.

It's been an hour since we arrived at the pub we usually go to and since the moment we entered, Luke can't seem to let go of what I told him before we even came here.

"Yet you brought her there." He points out.

"What do you want me to say? Yes, I brought her and it was amazing." And it's the truth. I had an amazing time with her there.

"Ok since I can't seem to make you change your mind about her, can you at least try not to get her pregnant?" he lets out a defeated sigh.

"What's wrong with you and that Maddy girl?" I say shaking my head but don't bother hiding my smile.

"Oh, please Beiron. I also remember the way she was wearing last night. Do you really need me to remind you how you were gawking at her on the screen or the boner you had?" he teases and I roll my eyes. He's right though. I couldn't keep my eyes off the screen, off her. I was glad I made it home alive. A cold shower later I was fine...well partly because her images couldn't stop tormenting my head.

"I'm taking her on a date." I say and he nearly chokes on his drink.

"You're what? Dude you're serious! I swear I thought you weren't serious." He exclaims, earning us a few odd glances in our way.

"Well, I am, and I'm taking her on a date. I mean if she wants to." After our conversation last night, I have more hope.

"So, from what I heard you practically confessed your feelings to each other last night and now you can't grow balls to ask her out?" he groans and throws his hands in the air dramatically.

"I haven't asked her because she's with her best friend right now. I told her to call me when she's free.

"Okay as we wait for her to call, I'm calling over Leah to come and sit with us. I know she's dying too." He says and turns to his left and waves her over. She comes immediately, her hips swaying exaggeratedly in an attempt to look sexy and attract attention.

There we go again.

"Hey Luke, hey Beiron." She says and takes a seat next to Luke. Thankfully.

"Hey Lena." I say pretending to forget her name.

"It's Leah." Luke and Leah say at the same time, only their tones are different. Leah's more pissed, Luke's with amusement.

"Oh, sorry Leah". I finish my beer and place it on the table.

"You want me to get another one? she asks, leaning over and her fingers grazing mine. I remove my hand. I turn to Luke, finding him watching the exchange with a secret smile and I want to punch him.

"That's really kind of you Leah but no." I declined her offer politely.

"Me I want one." Luke says.

"I'm on it." She practically jumps and heads to the bar.

"What has she done to you?" He says, shaking his head with a laugh.

"Who? I just didn't want her touching me, that's all." I say calmly. He just laughs and says something under his breath that I don't catch.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I immediately get it out. It's a text from Tisha.

THE BODYGUARD AND I(Beiron and Tisha's story)Where stories live. Discover now