Chapter 8

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*Cameron's POV*
I woke up and went to the bathroom I took and shower and changed in to some pants and a tee shirt I made my hair and knocked on Paige's door their was no answer so I walk in and I don't see her I look all around the house and I don't see her so I started freaking out and called kian.

C=hey is Paige with you
K=no why
C=she not at home and I looked everywhere and I can't find her.
K=WHAT I coming call the cops and find her.
C=okay bye

*end of convo*
I called the cops and they said they where going to look for her. kian,me,and the rest of the guys are looking all over town and putting papers up.

*paige POV*

I woke up tied in a chair I look around me and I don't know I am I hear a door open I turn my head towards the door and o hear foot steps come closer and closer I the light turn on and I see a boy with brown hair and deep brown eyes he was perfect.

"So I see your up" I hear him say

" Where am I" I say

" You don't have to know" he says

"Well can i at least get your name" I say

" It's sam wilkinson" sam says

"Well my name is Paige lawley and what am I doing here anyway. I say

" Your here because i had to from my friend jack gilinsky" sam says

" My jack gilinsky from magcon" I say

" Yeah and what do you mean by your jack gilinsky" sam says

"Well he is my friend" I say

" Okay I let you go but don't tell anyone that me or jack took you or I will kidnap you for real. sam says

"Okay thank you" I say

He untied me and he dropped me off at Starbucks he handed me a note that said the me and Kenzie went out to the mall so that if they get worried I have a note I walked home and I finally get their I don't see any cars outside except for mine. I walk in and put the note on the fridge and I call cameron.

*Phone call*

P-cam where are you

C- PAIGE where were you we were worried sick.

P- I was out with Kenzie didn't. You see the note on the fridge.

C-no stay their where coming to your house.

*End of call*

I walked into my room and took a shower after my shower I changed into my clothes(outfit in picture) and Walked into my room I hear footsteps coming up the stairs when my door flys open to see 10 boys coming in.

"Where were you" Matt says

"I was with Kenzie at the mall" I say

" We thought you got kidnapped" Nash said

"What no I just spend the whole day with Kenzie" i say

" How come you didn't answer our texts" Taylor said

" Because I wanted to relax that's all God know leave me alone and kian I need to tell you something. I say

"What's up sis" kian says

"Well can I go to holly's next week for a sleep over" I say

" Yeah of course just get some sleep" kian says

" Okay goodnight" I say

"Night" kian says

He walks out of my room and I lay down on my bed and sleep takes over me.

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