Chapter 12

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Paige POV

I woke up and went to the bathroom I washed my face and took a shower and shampoo and conditioned my hair and washed my body and finished my shower I wrapped a towel around my body and walked into my closet and wore my white long sleeve shirt and my denim jeans any I wore my internet necklace I put on my combat boots and walked downstairs I grabbed a apple and sat on the couch and turned on some tv. I got up and grabbed my phone and I got a text from Cameron .

I heard what happend hope you remember.

Yeah are you one of my friends.

I'm your closest friend like a brother.

Okay well I need to go bye cam


I put my phone on the table and I hear the door bell so I go and open it. when I opened it their was Connor with Sam next to his side I let them in and we talked to each other when Connor pulled out a silver necklace.

" I got this for you" he said
"Thank you" o said he put it on and that when I had lots of memories flossing back in my mind.

" I remember" I said
" You remember" they both said in unison

"Yes so what do you want to do" I say

"We can penny board" sam suggested

"Yeah sounds fun" I said

We all left and skated around we all came back home and talked for awhile.they soon both left and kian came home it was around 8 at night so I went my room and went on my laptop I went on tumbler and watched a couple YouTube videos I decided to make my own channel so I made a account and I asked kian if I can borrow his camera and lights and he was okay with it so I set up and and started the video.

" Hi guys I'm Paige lawley and welcome to my channel today I will be doing a 5 facts about me video so let's get started" I said

I finished up the video and started editing soon after it uploaded and It was around 11 at night so I changed into my pyjamas and got comfy in bed and fell asleep.


Hey guys hope you liked the chapter and I will update you guys soon bye.

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