Chapter 12

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Paige POV

I woke up and turned on the tv that was in my hospital room. I heard my phone go off so I grabbed it and it was a text message.

Sam: Hey I heard what happens so I'm coming to the hospital.

Paige:Okay but are you my brother or friend

Sam: I'm your friend more like big brother.

Paige:okay luv ya

Sam:same to ya bye


I put my phone back on the table and that when the door opened to reveal a boy his hair was in a quid and he had green eyes and he wore a tank top and some shots with vans.

" Hi i'm Connor I'm your friend nice to see you are okay" Connor

" Hi Connor" I say

He seats down and we talk for a while when Sam comes and joins our talk they both are very cool people but I think that I already know them.

The doctor comes in talks to me.

" So you come go home" the doctor says

"Thank you" I say

"No problem" he says

He walk out and Kenzie comes comes in and hands me my clothes I change in to a black tank top and white shorts and my converse and walk out of the room I wait till kian comes backand we get in the car and drive home. We get home and I walk up to my room I take of my shoes and change into my pjs I get comfy in my bed and sleep takes over my body.

Hey so I will update you guys soon and I just hoped you like the short chapter. in making a new story soon yeah love us guys and see you soon bye.

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