Chapter 19

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Paige POV

I woke up with the sun in my eyes i got out is Sam's grip and walked upstairs i took a shower an changed into some white shorts and a blue tank I slipped on my vans and made my hair I put in a braid I walked down stairs and grabbed an apple I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv I watched spongebob till Sam woke up. he left and i just sat their all day. my phone went off to my ring tone love robbery by kalin and Myles and I check the caller ID and it was Jc.

J-Jc and p-Paige

P- hey what's up mother fucker

J- not much but just wanted to know if you wanted to come to the o2l house tomorrow because i have something to give you.

P- okay see ya tomorrow biatch

J- bye stalker

I ended the call and decided
To get froyo so i grab my wallet , keys and penny board and leave the house I got on my board ad started down to the froyo shop. when I get there i get off my board and walk in and i get some chocolate and vanilla yogurt when i was about to leave I see a boy and girl making out in the corner of the shop the boy was Sam and the girl was acacia sam's ex girlfriend I felt my eyes getting watery I ran out of the shop and skated back home. when i home I ran in my room and cried. I walked into my closet and changed into some sweats and kian's dimond tank top i walked into my bathroom and washed my face i take off my contacts and put on my glasses.

( If I didn't tell you she wore glasses then now you know that she does )

I walked into my bedrooms and just watched some movies like mean girls, were the millers and last but not leat TFIOS. it was 10 at night so i got up and went downstairs I grabbed a Arizona tea and walked back upstairs. when I finished my Arizona tea I threw it away and before I fell asleep I texted Sam.

( s- Sam p-Paige)

P- don't talk to me again before I cut up a bitch.

I closed my phone and put it in its charger and fell asleep.

^ next morning ^

I woke up and checked my phone if Sam even texted back and he did of course *note to sarcasm*

S- what do you mean

P- don't give me that you don't know excuse sam you know why so just go fuck yourself .

S- you know what I had enough of your bullshit Paige we are arguing over some stupid thing that I don't know if and you being a god dawn slut messing with boys hearts.

P- me messing with hearts no you sucking off acacia fucking face so don't you dare come near me ass hole.

* no response *

I locked my phone and walked to my bathroom I washed my face and brushed my teeth I got in the shower and washed my body. when I was down I put on my under garments and put on a grey crop top with spongebob in the middle of it I but on my grey skinny jeans and put on my grey vans I curl my hair and spray it so it can stay in place I put my phone in my back pocket and walked down stairs I walked into the kitchen and made some eggs and bacon. when I was done I started eating and went through twitter and I stop and a tweet that Sam posted and it read.

Well just screwed up big time and lost the love of my life I just want to fix things up.

I let a tear slip from my eyes and called someone I haven't seen in a while I pressed the home button and pressed the phone app and scrolled through my contact and it landed on.


Cliff hanger!

Hey guys so hope you like the chapter and please give me suggestions if you want Jc and Connor to have girlfriends and if so I need their.

- eye color

- hair color

- style

- age

-favorite color

- favorite band / song

- and interest

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