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"I missed her." Harry said while staring at the window

"Harry if you didn't give her a reason to be brokenhearted she might be here with us."

"Do you still love her?" Ginny asked

"I don't know ginny but everytime I tried to close my eyes, she's always in my head. It's so hard to forget about her smile."

"Good thing I'm dating Dean, you're worst harry, I better not expect too much from you." Ginny said she slammed the door before storming off

"Oh Harry you messed up so bad." Hermione tapped Harry's shoulder Ron got mad at him but he didn't dare to punch him since he heard ginny she's dating Dean.

The Weasley twins built their joke shop with Harry's help. Draco and Erin are visiting the shop they're spending their time looking for something worth to use for the slytherin.

"Isn't Fred and George doing great at their own?" Erin asked proudly

"They do, I might bully their family but I do regret it, they deserve this kind of life they achieve what they want." Draco said

"You should stop picking on them, though I really hate Ron's stupid mouth. He's smart and handsome but when he speaks he can corrupt someone's mind in an instant."

"For sure he does."

Erin saw a Skiving Snackbox and she carefully read the label

"Draco what about this Skiving Snackbox? Its worth it if Crabbe ate it haha, that boy need to stop eating."

"Isn't it dangerous?"

"Nope, for sure he's gonna be sick for a while but he will be fine haha. Hey Fred, George how much for Skiving Snackbox?"

"28.91 pound sterling muggle price."

"I'll take it! Here 35 pound sterling keep the change muggle style." Erin winks at them Fred can't contain himself not to laugh at her

"I'll buy a dungbomb for filch." Draco said

"Good pick Malfoy good pick." George said he handed him a box of dungbomb


"Hi Harry you look great today."

"Thanks, can I have a word?"

"Sure what is it?"

"Not here." Harry took Erin outside, Draco is impatiently waiting for her

"I want to tell you that I still love you."

"I'm sorry harry, Draco asked me to be his date."


"I said yes."

"Do you love him? You know I can treat you better."

"I'm sorry harry but I have to go."

Erin grabbed draco out with their stuffs, she is so confused her feelings for Draco and Harry are messed up. She need someone to talk to, but it's not Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Parvati, Padma, Ginny, Ron or Cho. They're at their compartment.

"You're awfully quiet? What's wrong?"

"It's nothing Draco, sorry I need to find hermione, please excuse me."

"Do you realized she's quite confused after seeing potter?"

"I notice that but she doesn't want to talk about it with me."

"What if she choose him over you?"

"I'm not going to back down, I'll go fight for her. Potter won't make her happy."

Hermione is in the prefect compartment, draco got called by Mcgonagall to go to prefect's compartment with Erin, Ron, Hermione, Hannah, Ernie, padma and others.

"Hermione I need someone to talk to."

"Is this private?"

"Yes, can we talk at the bathroom?"

"Okay let's go."

They walk inside the bathroom and used a Muffliato to make sure no one's eavesdropping

"I'm dating Draco, I'm so confused after harry told me he still loves me."

"How many months are you dating Draco?"

"Two months. It's so confusing, he is a protective boyfriend and very sweet guy he likes private relationship and doesn't want a public display of affection. Harry is sweet, caring, he treat me so well and he loves affecting and cuddles even in public. Draco made me feel the adrenaline rush and safety around his arms, Harry made me feel safe and secured."

"Oh no, I can't help you with that. You have to decide slowly but surely."

"Should I break up with him?"

"It's on you Erin not mine."

"I'll break up with him, he deserves better. If I really do love him I wouldn't be confused."

"Maybe you dated him because you want to forget about harry, but you ended up falling for draco?"

"I really don't know. I have to talk to him thanks for listening."

She confronted Draco he's busy reading a book.

"Can we talk draco?"

"Sure darling."

"I want to break up with you, if I really do love you why I feel so confused when harry told me he still loves me. You don't deserve any heartache I just need to think who I really love the most."

"Go on, fine by me." Draco hide all the pain with cold shoulder towards her and she hates herself for hurting him.

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