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Harry walks in very slowly, still bloody and wet. Most of Gryffindor house is there; it's evident Malfoy's near-murder was big news. Harry looks at his housemates. His face and voice are utterly hollow.

"I've got detention with Snape. This Saturday."

"Is that all?"

"All day Saturday. And every Saturday for the rest of the year."

"Hermione, he's made it so that Harry can't play Quidditch. If we lose the last game we lose the cup. Snape's punishing all of Gryffindor house for what Harry did."

"You're bloody whore Ginny for stand up for Harry, he's a murderer! I'm not going to let him live in peace not until I get the justice I want for my husband." Erin slapped harry back and forth

"Crucio" harry groan in pain

"ENOUGH!" Ginny shouted

There's a murmur as the rest of the students take this in.

"Katie. You're captain. Dean. Play Chaser for the team again. Please. Ginny, I want you to play Seeker."

"Good because you don't deserve to be a quidditch player potter murderer." She shoved him before entering her room

It's been weeks now and Erin avoiding Harry, Weasley siblings, and Hermione.

"Are you fully recovered now draco?"

"Yes, about what you said that day. Is that true that you prefer to marry someone else rather than marrying me?"

"No, I'm sorry about that. I was upset seeing you with that girl, I can't control my anger that time. I'm really sorry I shouldn't say those words to you."

"It's fine, as long as you're here sitting next to me."

"I tortured him."

"That's why they don't want you to sit with them."

"I regret nothing, he deserves it after all it his fault."

"She's so distant after what harry did to draco." Ginny said

"I can't blame her ginny, you heard what harry did to her husband. They're married what if she's pregnant and harry killed draco? It's on Harry's conscience for killing a father of an innocent child."

"She almost killed me, she hurt me." Harry said

"Because you almost killed Draco." Ron said

"I feel bad for her, she is torn between us and draco." Fred said

"She barely swallow her food, see? Erin never touched her food, something is bothering her." George said

"I'll talk to her later." Hermione said

After their classes, draco joined Blaise, Goyle, Pike, Theo, Pansy, Greengrass siblings and the other slytherin to go to Hogsmeade, Erin is sitting alone at library reading an advance book from restricted area.

"Erin hi." Hermione greeted her with Ginny

"What you two want?"

"How are you?" Hermione asked

"I'm alive so fuck off leave me alone."

"Why are you being like this? We didn't do anything."

"That's the point, you didn't anything to give us justice for what harry did to him."

"Sorry but we don't hold any laws to our hands not like your father."

"Don't you fucking dare put my father in this situation, you two know nothing but to stick up your nose on Harry's nasty butthole." Erin closed the book she put it back on the shelve before walking out.

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