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Erin saw her husband smiling and laughing with Astoria she took it as an insecurity. Narcissa and Lucius came too with gift and some foods.

"How's the baby?"

"He's a nice baby he didn't give me a hard time. How are you ma?"

"All good, we missed both of you."

"We'll visit there every weekends, we still busy at work."

"You should take a maternity leave for 3 months."

"I can't, I still loads of work. Uhm I guess draco enjoying his moment with Astoria I'll get us something to eat and drink."

2 months later

Draco is always late to go home he's with Astoria helping her to find a cure for their family blood curse. But Astoria fall for him, there's one night they did the deed behind Erin's back it was a mistake for Draco he's so guilty while for Astoria it's not a mistake she wants do it but draco is avoiding her. Erin gave birth to a baby boy they named it Regulus Atlas Malfoy.

"Draco I'm 2 weeks pregnant"

"It was an accident it's only one night!"

"I know, if you don't believe me here." She handed a pregnancy test kit and medical certificate to him

"Draco what's going on?" Erin asked

"I'm pregnant, 2 weeks. Draco is the father."

"Wow you had sex with her while I'm about give birth? Nice, our son is 2 weeks old too."

"It is an accident, it was a mistake, I regret it."

"No it's okay Draco, the arrangement is go live with her take care of her. Kreacher give draco his luggage."

"That's it?"

"Yes that it."

Kreacher gave draco his luggage and she locked him out, she's crying carrying their baby. In 6 months draco never seen his own son, Erin brought their son far from u.k they live in America to avoid him Narcissa and Lucius never liked Astoria they kicked her out. Draco is still living with his parents even he made a mistake they accepted him, Daphne took care of Astoria while draco is visiting her everyday after work to give what the unborn baby needs. Pansy is so mad at astoria even Hermione and Ginny, Harry knows where Erin is but he didn't told Draco.

6 years later

"Mrs. Weasley can I leave Regulus here for a night? I have work today I'll be back later. Regulus behave with Mrs. Weasley don't be a naughty, give her a hand if she needs."

"Don't worry dear he's safe with us."

"Thank you Mrs. Weasley, see you later son." She kissed his forehead

"You'll bring daddy home right?"

"I'll try I promise. Keep your locket on your neck. If you got sad look at daddy's smile, he'll be home with me soon I promise."

"Regulus why don't we go play?" George said

"Okay uncle George."

"Erin mind a words?"

"Sure Mrs. Weasley"

"He's growing up, he has to bond with his father, 6 years keeping him away from draco won't help the child's character development."

"I know Mrs. Weasley that's why I still doing my best to find him, I got back here in london 4 years ago, Narcissa said draco isn't around it's been 5 years ago the last time she saw her own son."

"Talk to harry he might help you."

"I will Mrs. Weasley thank you, here this is a little help for your family, Regulus has his money and snacks on his bag with his clothes."

Erin left to go to her work the new Minister is Hermione Weasley, they got married 5 years ago.

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