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Erin throw her wig out of annoyance revealing her long hair she changed her clothes too. She's passingby with Lucas at Draco's position.

"Your father is mental"

"I know Lucas he is, imagine I made lots of illegal magic and he let me out of it then he punished me hahaha."

"You're not going to Japan?"

"Nah, I was sent to america as an intern."

Draco wants to chase her but he's so mad that she broke up with her, their parents are forcing him to sign the divorce paper. Erin approached him.

"Draco my father told me to tell you that you should sign the divorce paper."

"I wanna ask if that's what you want."

"Ask my father not me."

"I want to hear it from you Erin, do you want me to sign it? Tell me!" He grabbed her arm

"Remember you have to divorce him if you want me to dispose their illegal activity."

"Your a failure!"

"You disgusted me."

"Divorced him or I'll snap your wand and put you in muggle world without any magic?"

"Erin? Answer me! Is that what you want?" Draco gripped tight on her arm it's forming a bruise

"Yes." She said coldly


"I don't love you, I never did. Harry is the one I loved the most, our relationship is forced by my own parents." He let go of her arm and walks away

Erin planned to kill her own parents and put shacklebot as a new minister, they formed a force to put an end to Alexander's evilness but she need to finish her school year before she do what they planned. Draco doesn't have any idea what was going on what she lied to him making him believe she loves him if it's harry. Their 3 years relationship and 2 years wedding anniversary goes to waste.

At great hall Mcgonagall welcomed everyone, Erin is nowhere to find. Hermione is skeptical about Erin not being in great hall for dinner, ginny is wondering where did Erin go. Erin is standing at the corridor when Draco is passingby to go to the bathroom.

"I did what you want."

"It's not enough."

"What do you want me to do? Kneel down and beg? You're too much father."

"I need to see him now to let him sign this."

"Go on, let him sign it and take away your only daughter's happiness, that's what makes you happy and proud eh." A hand fly on her cheek draco is so shock witnessing what's going on

"You think I'm stupid? I know what you're doing behind my back."

"Because you never deserve to be a minister, I killed for you, and you still want to break my heart by forcing me to divorce him. You know I loved him so much."

"How dare you to love a death eater!" He slapped her again

"And how dare you to call yourself a man when you always raise your hand on a woman. You better kill me rather torturing me like this, it's just because my real mom die giving birth to me you'll made me pay for what I never did, it's not my fault she gave birth on me at the age of 16, you want me to divorced him because we never had a child you're expecting me to give birth at the age of 16 to 17 you're so stupid. You failed every plan you had. You hate me for being right while you're a huge mistake. Go on do what ever you want." Erin apparated back to Gryffindor common room.

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