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"There was a vanishing cabinet, twin of the one my father's got. It let me bring the Death Eaters through from our Manor."

"And if they arrive here and found you have not done your appointed task? Failed to kill one helpless old man, when you clearly had him at wandpoint? I do not think you want to be here when they do arrive and find me still alive." Erin hold draco's hand she hold her wand ready to do it

"You're so sure of yourself."

"What I am sure of is you. If you were going to kill me you would have done so by now."

"I haven't any choice!"

It's a scream; his voice cracks and he looks utterly stricken.

"You always have. And you have made it."

Behind the cloak Harry's eyes look as if he is barely daring to hope.

"The order can protect you, can protect your family. We can take you in to hiding so deep the Dark Lord will never be able to find you."

"I tried to convince him professor but he was forced to do it."

"Don't try to bargain when I've got you at my mercy."

"No, Draco. It is my mercy, not yours, that matters now."

The door is thrown wide. Death Eaters rodolphus lestrange and Bellatrix Lestrange and the werewolf (in human form, but looking feral all the same) fenrir greyback burst through it.

"And so its end"

"And cornered well done draco, Erin what the hell are you doing here? As I remember you're not a death eater." Draco looked at Erin

"Shut it Bellatrix."

"Good evening, Bellatrix. And you've brought Rodolphus, too, how charming."

"You will have your little jokes, won't you, Dumbledore?"

"Jokes? No, no. These are manners."

"What've you been waiting for, Draco? Why isn't he dead already?"

"Don't rush him, Fenrir! My neffy-weffy wants to play a bit; his auntie's taught him well."

Draco looks sick, but Bellatrix can't see.

"Fenrir Greyback. Well, well."

"Pleased to see me, Dumbledore?"

"No, I can't say that I am."

"Ah, but I wouldn't have missed it. You know how I love the taste of children."

He licks his pointed teeth obscenely.

"Whom have you killed in my school?"

"You'll find out soon enough when you join them! Do it, Draco!"

Draco slowly lifts his wand again. Fenrir makes a noise of disgust.

"Ah, the boy's not got the nerve, anyone can see."

Bellatrix hisses. The door bangs again and Snape stands framed in it, taking in the scene. Erin pointed her wand at Fenrir


"Draco, it's the simplest thing in the world. Say the words!"

Before Snape made an act Erin hit Dumbledore with killing curse

"Avada Kedavra"

"Bloody idiot! You killed him! Draco supposed to do it. What are you doing?"

"Saving him from death what you think?"

"Show me your arm Erin." Snape forced her

"This is a fake dark mark, you dared to trick Voldemort

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"This is a fake dark mark, you dared to trick Voldemort."

"I guess I'm better than you PROFESSOR Snape."

Bellatrix dragged draco away from Erin, he glance at his wife who tricked the dark lord and killed dumbledore Erin disappeared on his sight.

Erin has a stomach to stand in front she killed dumbledore and harry mistook that Snape did it.

"...but without his nobility of spirit, his greatness of heart, Albus Dumbledore's intellectual contributions would only have been notes in a textbook, awards on a wall. Because of his bravery, his goodness, the wizarding world knew it had a champion for the great and small alike..."

A spot of red alights upon the white tomb, then it shoots up into the air, resolving itself as Fawkes, who bursts into glorious flame just as he fills the shot and then fades. Erin disappeared on Draco's life she leave him for good and serve the dark lord with fake dark mark.

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