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On Thursday morning, Catra woke up at an awful hour to put herself together and be at the train station at half past seven on the dot.
She usually enjoyed going to the city, mainly for the huge variety of activities to do and all the kinds of people who lived there, but that Thursday morning she was just bothered by the very fact of existing.
The brunette bought the hugest cup of coffee to give her the strength and walked toward the metro.

An interesting variety of uninterested people filled it: almost none of them was talking, except for a couple of boys, one sat and the other standing beside, leaning towards the first to chat better.
She immediately felt sympathetic for them and hurt as well from her own memories.

Crystal road was indeed in a very fancy neighbourhood: the streets were perfectly cleaned up, the townhouses made of red bricks had no crepe. It was all very flawless, even the plants.
Going out of the metro station toward the address, she even saw a beautiful park with children playing and screaming.
Probably a bunch of spoiled brats.
As soon as Catra found the infamous door with the 1 and 2, shiny golden, in the middle of it, the girl decide to lose no time and get over with that shit.
She walked up the stairs, holding onto the strap of her bag, and rang the doorbell.
Soon after a composed woman opened the door. She was tall, dark haired and professionally dressed.
She looked down at the brunette with initial doubt and then emotionless.
"Hello, how can I help you? The Mayor Moon isn't meeting anybody on her day of remote work." She deadpanned.
"Mayor? I'm here for a mistake with the rental lease of the apartment 12B." Catra said, slightly confused.
"What's your name?" The woman asked.
"Elisabeth Catra Maullidos." She said, masking her annoyance as well as she could.
"Please, wait in the hall." The lady declared, shifting aside to let her walk in.
As she closed the door, she ran off toward the stairs, while the brunette started observing the lightened and elegant hall, with the most expensive chandelier she had ever seen.
"Catra Maullidos! Welcome in my house, it's a pleasure to meet you finally! You are lucky you found me on my day in." A cheerful voice with a marked British accent spoke, coming from an elegant and distinguished woman on the stairs.
Although her hair was pink, she appeared just like her home: cleaned, elegant,  fancy and sophisticated.
It took the Latina less then a minute to recall her image on the news.
"Mayor Moon! H-how do you know me?" Catra exclaimed confused.
"I'm supposed to know my inmate, am I not? And please, call me Angella. I honestly started thinking you would have never come, but Adora was too stubborn to take your name out of the contract. I'm glad she eventually was right about not letting you go. Want some tea? I wasn't adverted that you would have come today." The Mayor said, while guiding the girl in the even more beautiful living room.
Everything there was so clear to be almost blinding.
"A-Adora? I'm confused! What's happening here? Is it a candid camera?" Catra freaked out, starting to look for hidden cameras around the room.
It had to be a prank.
" Aren't you here because of Adora's letter?" The woman asked puzzled.
"What letter? She left me and then disappeared!" Snapped the girl, moving her arms randomly.
"Alright, dear, take a deep breathe...and about you calm down and we sort this out together?" Angella proposed, with such a reassuring tone that made her really chiller.
"Please, bring us some tea and desserts." She went on demanding to her composed assistant.
"Listen, the story I know is pretty different from what you told me. It's obvious that none of us has a complete frame of it and I like to believe that the truth is in the middle. Anyhow, Adora is now at the Military Academy of Brightmoon, they come back only during the weekend, so you can stay in your apartment for tonight, if you want. Adora made sure that your bad was always ready and she put extra clothes in your part of the wardrobe." She explained, shocking Catra.

It was so hard for her to take it all in, to believe in her words.
Adora in the military academy?
Cleaned bed and clothes?
How could it be?
She had left and disappeared, she had moved on for a better life!
Adora had betrayed Catra!

"The apartment is downstairs, I guess you saw the second entrance before coming up to my door. We started renting it to her after Mara's death. She couldn't take care of an house, Razz, going to school and working, you know? My daughter is a closed friend of her, so we moved the old inmate and let it to her, to support her. She insisted on paying, though." Angella told with a smile.
"I-I don't wanna hear about her!" The brunette snapped harshly, with eyes locked to all the treats on the coffee table.
"I know for sure that about an year ago she sent you a letter, telling that she finally had a house for the two of you. I know because I helped her with the documents for the foster-caring till your eighteenth birthday...we just needed your reply to send them." The woman added.
Catra stayed silent, sipping her cup of tea.
"You must be lying ." She muttered, looking for any confirmation from the woman.
"Then why did I never receive the letter?" She questioned.
"I don't know, dear." Angella admitted, sighing.
"If you need clues..." the woman spoke, standing up and going out for a breef second, then coming back and handing her a couple of keys, with a tag that had her name written on it.
"These are yours, you could go down to see yourself" she said.
Catra took a deep breath, before reaching out to grab them.

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