That's life

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"So...girls, how are your studies going?" Angella spoke, breaking the silence that spread after all the presentations.
"I still can't get used to the morning training. Really, how you guys seem to do it so effortlessly?" Her daughter complained, pointing her fork to Adora, sat at her left.
"Well, 6 am isn't that early." The blonde said.
"And because you have done it since the first year of high school." Catra added.
"For the record, I wouldn't be a morning person if you let me sleep when we were children." She replied.
"I woke you up at reasonable hours." The brunette protested.
"No you didn't! You would wake up at sunrise, then get bored, woke me up to talk or play and then you would fall asleep again, while I couldn't." Adora responded.
"So that's why your sleep routine is so fucked up!" The pink-haired girl exclaimed.
"Glimmer!" Her mother snapped.
"Sorry mother!" She immediately apologised, scratching the back of her neck.
"Her insomnia isn't my fault, that's on Miss Weaver." Catra defended herself, noticing the girl's blue eyes open wide.
"Weaver? Like your educator?" Glimmer repeated confused.
"I've the feeling you should ask her, Sparkles." The brunette said.
"No, it's nothing really...the insomnia is just caused by my excess of energy. You guys know I can't relax." Adora diverted, obviously nervous.
"What a liar..." muttered the latina, glaring at her.
"Adora, are you alright, darling? You seem tense." Angella asked kindly.
"Yes, I'm alright, don't worry about me." She smiled.
"So...Catra, what do you study?" The Mayor moved on, hoping it would have calmed her suspicious daughter.

It was so obvious that Catra and Glimmer didn't like each other, it was crystal clear since the moment they shook hands.

"I'll start university in September, law course." The brunette answered proudly.
"How brilliant! Congratulations! You really must be as smart as Adora said." The woman cheered, making the blonde blush.
"Yeah, I was the best of my class in highschool, but they didn't let me do the final speach just because of a couple of fights...and because I didn't go to the ceremony." The girl told them.
"Oh! So you didn't avoid me purposely!" The blonde exclaimed cheerfully.
"You were at my graduation ceremony?" Catra asked shocked.
"Yeah, that was a pretty bad day: none of the guys of the Horde wanted to talk to me, they called your name but you never appeared and the girls from the team told me you had turned into some kind of bully. I tried to ask to your friend, Sara - no, Soraya? It started with the S-" Adora blabbered.
"Scorpia." The brunette interrupted, confused.
"Yes! Scorpia! As soon as she understood who I was she told me you hated me and that I had done enough damage. I had already sent the letter, so I thought that if you still hated me so much I couldn't come to you anymore." The girl finished.
"Oh, never told us about this...why?" Glimmer asked shocked and concerned.
"Adora Noelle Grayskull, did you stalk me?" The brunette questioned.
"Wait, you have a second name?!" The pinky girl snapped in disbelief.
"Ok! That's it! Girls, calm down! Adora, I'm very disappointed in you, we had talked about not going back to Fright Zone, especially without me! You are this close to make me call your therapist! And Glimmer, relax, it's legit for her to have secrets and not sharing everything with you. Now you both apology to Catra, this dinner is getting inappropriately dramatic!" Angella ordered with a calm and resolute tone.
"Sorry..." the pinky girl muttered annoyed.
"I'm really sorry Catra...and I'm sorry Angella, I was just- I was just trying to-" Adora tried to say, visibly distressed and frustrated.
The brunette just witnessed it all in disbelief.
She put down the cutlery at the sides of her half-empty plate and stood up.
"It's alright, Adora...meeting your new surrogate rich family was really...something...but I think I'll go to DT's now." Catra said leaving, ignoring any call of her name.

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