All i want

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"It doesn't feel real...we are gonna meet her!" Bow whispered excitedly.
"I know, I just hope she will be nice: Adora was so shaken today." The pink-haired girl agreed, looking at her sleeping friend with a concerned expression.
She had practically fainted in the moment she train left the station, directed to Brightmoon.
"She was very happy and hopeful too." The dark-skinned boy pointed out.
"But you heard my mom: Catra is rude, angry, explosive and cold! She could be planning some sort of revenge and break Adora's heart." Glimmer debated.
"Ehy, we know nothing about her." Bow replayed.
"We do know that she is mad at her and that Adora is still hurt from their last quarrel, three years ago...Catra is just an open giant walking wound for her!" The girl said dramatically.
"I know how you feel about her, I'm worried too...but if Adora trusts her, we must reach out an hand as well, she needs us to support her." The friend protested.
"Thanks Bow." The blonde muttered, opening her eyes.
"Sorry, did we wake you up?" The boy asked.
"Yeah, but no problem, we are almost arrived anyways." The girl said, checking her phone.
The two nodded and they went silent.
Adora sighed, then put a hand Glimmer's knee, who sat it front of her.
"Everything will go just fine." She stated encouragingly smiling to her and Bow.
The short pink-haired smiled back and leaned her head on boy's shoulder, who hold her hand and took Adora's too.
"Catra could be a new member of the Best friends squad!" He cheered, making the girls laugh.

Soon after the train stopped at Brightmoon central station and the three of them took their bags to walk home.
Since Bow went to his parent's first, they divided at the metro and the girls used the purple line to go to Crystal road.

Glimmer practically ran to her mother's door, while Adora preferred to go down the stairs and find out if Catra was still there.
The blonde hesitantly put the keys in and opened the door.
"I'm back home!" Adora shouted.
"I'm in the shower!" She heard her old friend's yell back from the bathroom.
The girl let out the most relived breath.
"Ok! Hurry up: I need to shower too before going upstairs for dinner. We eat at Angella's tonight." The blonde added.
"Don't tell me what to do!" Catra protested, making the girl chuckle.
"Would never dare to!" She jocked, while walking to the bedroom to leave the bag full of dirty clothes.

The brunette's bed was unfixed, while hers wasn't perfect either and her pillow was moved.
Did Catra sit on it?
While Adora waited for her to free the bathroom, she fixed her bed and took off the uniform's jacket.
It was a little disappointing that the latina hadn't seen her in it, she hoped to come in and impress her.
But it was uncomfortable, so she took off the tie and partly unbuttoned the shirt.

"I stole your bathrobe, but the shower is free." Adora heard Catra say, while she was examinating the fridge looking for something to eat.
Taking the yogurt, she moved her eyes on her old friend, who was cat-walking toward her to seat at the table.

Her hair was wrapped in the towel, her cheeks still rosy for the hot water and the loose bathrobe let her see Catra's cleavage in all its glory, but also signed the small waist and hourglass figure.

"Can you pass me the wine and nachos? Oh, and stop drooling" the brunette said nonchalantly, snapping Adora out her trance, making her a blush mess.
"I'm not drooling" she muttered, putting the wine on the table and taking the nachos and a spoon for herself.
"Why so dressed up?" Catra asked, pouring the wine in a glass left there since before.
"Oh, no, it's just part of the uniform: the jacket and tie are in the bedroom." She answered calmer, sitting down and opening her yogurt.
"Oh, I see why you chose the military life: the uniform effect is such an old trick." The latina teased, making her blush again.
"What? No! It's just that my friends from the football team pleaded me to go with them to the military presentation and I fell in love with the carabineer career: it's like a police force, but also part of the army. I got paid as I started studying and I can make a career in short time. The tasks are very different, from solving crimes, to ordinary patrolling...yeah, I could be sent to war, but it's an eventuality and-" Adora rumbled.
"War? Like real war? With death all over? Are you nuts? Do you really think this is better then studying law?" Catra interrupted her furiously.
"Yeah, I mean...I like it and war is just an eventuality...if the department isn't necessary, I won't. Of course, I could chose to, but I still don't know how I feel about it: my friend Glimmer is kinda into it and Bow and I would like to back her up, but Razz could need me and now you are here too." She answered.
"Jeez, Adora, when will you stop being such a goody?" The brunette sighed, taking a long sip of wine.
The blonde couldn't respond, so she lowered her look on the yogurt and finished it.
"Are you still doing law? Have you chosen a university?" She asked.
"Yeah, I'm starting in September at Brightmoon uni." She said.
"Great! It's just ten minutes away by metro, you know? Some of our friends attend it, I could introduce you to them, if you want." Adora proposed cheerfully.
"Yeah, I know it's close, it's the reason why they are refusing to give me a dorm: I got in with a scholarship, but because of my name on the contract of this apartment, I can't stay in the residence. If they find out there was no mistake, I won't be able to move in Brightmoon." Catra told passive-aggressively.
"Oh, s-so that's how you found out..." the blonde commented.
"Yeah, and I need to fix it. They gave me two weeks to call back and tell them it wasn't me." She added annoyed.
"B-but why can't you stay here? It's for you too...a-and it will be only for you for most of the week!" Adora said.
She knew the latina hadn't say no or yes yet, but she had hoped so much.
"I don't think it would work." Catra stated coldly.
"What? Why?" The blonde asked.
"Because maybe I don't want you back! Maybe i'm done with your lies and bullshits! Don't you get it? I don't trust you anymore!" She yelled.
"I know, but I'm trying...please, give me a chance." Adora insisted.
The brunette was going to speak, when someone knocked at the door.
Catra stood up and paced rapidly in the bedroom.
The other girl sighed and went to open the door.

It was Glimmer, obviously.

"Dinner is alright?" The short girl asked.
Adora's blue eyes turned watery, but she faked a smile and tried to mask it.
"Yeah, Catra is just come out of the shower and we chatted a bit. Can you give us some more minutes to get ready? We won't make you wait long." She said.
"Ok, sure...Be careful." Glimmer warned, shooting her a concerned look, before leaving.
The blonde closed the door and walked to the bedroom.

She knocked, but received no answer, so she just entered.
Catra was buttoning up her ripped jeans, then started fixing her top.
"Stay for the weekend, you will see that I'm almost never here. You don't need to trust me now, just try to stay here for a little while. What would you lose? The alternative would be sharing the dorm with a total stranger, who could be intrusive, annoying and noisy. I'm away for most of the week and I work in the weekend too." Adora said, catching the girls attention.

She did already know her.
They had always shared the bedroom, they even used to sleep together.

"You are intrusive, annoying and noisy." Catra pointed out.
"And you know it, you know me more then anybody in this world...there wouldn't be surprises." She insisted.
"Fine...but at the first dickhead quarterback I find naked in here, you are dead." The brunette warned.
"Oh, no worries, I don't have time for that...but you too, no naked boys when I'm here." Adora replied, making her burst in laughers.
"You really are the most oblivious human being ever, aren't you?" Catra said, taking her phone and throwing it in her hands. The cover was a lesbian pride flag.
"Oh! Sorry, I shouldn't have assumed." She stated, eyes locked on the cover.
"Disappointed I'm failing your expectations? I changed a lot in the last three years. Now, let's get done with this dinner thing, I'll hang out with a friend later and probably come back in the morning, knowing them." The brunette said harshly, taking her make-up purse from the bag.
Adora nodded and they both went toward the bathroom.
"Where are you going?" Asked then the blonde, seeing that Catra was approaching the sliding door.
"In the bathroom, to wear my make up." She said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"But I have to shower." Protested Adora.
"Fine! Go in" the brunette groaned, sliding the door.
"Thank you." The blonde muttered, walking in and closing the door.
She stripped fastly, undid her ponytail and went in to start showering.
As the water wetted her hair, Catra opened the door again and came in the bathroom.
"Catra! What the hell! Go out immediately!" She shouted, while covering herself with her hands.
"Don't be so demure, Adora, I can't see anything through that glass and I'll finish before you come out...And even if, you wouldn't be the first nice chick in my shower." The brunette teased, opening her purse.
"Elisabeth Catra Maullidos, you are unbelievable!" The girl exclaimed, her face blushed so badly that the other girl could see the redness although the blurry glass.
Catra really couldn't hold back her most sincere laughters and had to stop applying the concealer.
"Do your shampoo, dummy." The brunette told her, still chuckling.

Was Adora pleased by making her laugh? Yes.
Did she enjoy not being able of having some privacy even in her own bathroom? No.

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