Happy kids

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"Ehy Adora." Said the brunette, pushing the phone against her ear.
"Hi Cat, how are you?" The girl asked, leaning on the wall in a corner of the academy.
"I'm alright. I've been exploring the neighbourhood and found a couple of cafes very viby, but it's kinda plain here. There are funnier places in the city." The girl responded.
"Yeah, maybe I should have showed you around last sunday. It's a peaceful place, especially the park." The blonde said.
"We could jog together next Saturday. I bet you are still the slowest person in the world." Catra teased her, with a joyful chuckle.
"Sounds like a plan, it will be a pleasure to beat your haughty ass." The other replied.
"Oh, so you think my ass is superb?" The latina asked flirtatiously.
"Wha-No! I mean - uuugh! I didn't mean it in a good way!" Adora growled blushing furiously.
A dulcet and giggly laugh came out of her friend, inducing a smile also on the blonde's face.
"You are too easy to play with!" Catra exclaimed.
"And you are too puckish." She returned.
"Whatever, dummy. I reviewed the lease with Angella yesterday and we were thinking about writing it again with both our names as official inmates, to avoid any kind of problem whenever you are at the academy and I stay at home on my own, but it will be 50€ from both of us. Is it ok for you?" The latina told her.
"Sure thing. When are you officially moving in?" Adora asked.
"Next week, while you are out. I'm organising it all with Scorpia." Catra said.
"Do you need any help?" The blonde offered.
"Don't worry, princess, I'm doing it without you on purpose, so you won't have to deal with the mess." She admitted a little flustered.
"Oh, that's very kind of you. Thank you Cat. Ehy, we could do a pigiama party when you are settled, like when we were kids!" Adora said excitedly.
"Didn't we do one just a couple of days ago?" Catra asked, referring to that Saturday night spent eating thawed food and chatting about the silliest theories on various superheroes and supervillans.
"Yeah, but it wasn't official and we didn't eat in bed, nor did our nails! Uh, we could watch The Gratest Showman!" The blonde insisted.
"Whatever...But this isn't because I like you, I just have a thing for Zendaya." The latina agreed with a snort, although she was happy too at the idea of resuming that old habit.
Adora chuckled.

"Ehy She-ra! It's training time!" Someone called the cadet.

"Sorry Cat, I must go." She sighed.
"No problem, see ya." The brunette said, her words distorted by the food in her mouth.
"Bye Catra." Adora muttered a little saddened, before ending the call.

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