The fixer

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She was so quiet and beautiful when she slept, when she didn't have nightmares at least.
Adora always loved to caress her while she slept because, like a baby, she would lean in her touch.
She liked her rhythmic breathing and her silent snores.
She liked when the brunette would have wrinkled her nose if she was disturbed.

The blonde left a loving kiss on Catra's forehead and stood up, directed to the kitchen.
She had already changed her clothes and prepared coffee for the both of them.
Just to be sure that her friend would have start the day in the most bearable way possible, Adora cut her a croissant and filled it with salmon, a little of lemon, salad and philadelfia.
She wrote down a good morning note and left to head to Spinnerella and Netossa's bar.

Adora was one of those very rare people who actually enjoy waking up early in the weekend, not just because of the aesthetic of sunrise, but because of the silence that filled the streets, she liked how everyone and everything still seemed to be asleep.
The bar wasn't very far away, just a couple of blocks, so the blonde arrived pretty fastly.
The owners were there already and happily greeted her.
They put all the chairs back on the ground, displayed the brioches and started the coffee machine.
Some people soon started walking in.
Although the slow beginning, Adora knew that there wouldn't been dead times since 10am on.
She smiled to the costumers, even the grumpy, even those who ignored her, even the rude ones.
Sometimes she wished to be like one of those bartenders in the films, who confess all the drunk clients, but she wouldn't have endured the night shifts.
Right after lunch, she collected all her courage and went in the bathrooms to clean them up a little bit.
They had to at some point of the day, only at its end wasn't enough.

It felt very familiar, being there, even tho her mind kept dragging her back to the previous weekend and the girl back in her apartment.
It felt odd and she had a little hard time in really believing Catra was finally there, with her.

Adora also suffered from not having the chance of actually spend time with her, but her shift would have ended at half past six.
Cruel much, but she was the one who asked for it: she needed those money and she was used to toil.

But the day felt infinite.

Uncountable faces and voices.

Uncountable cups of coffee.

Uncountable lives which grazed hers.

She wondered if any of those people would have remembered her kindness, her efforts in welcoming them. She wondered if her little acts could actually brighten someone's day, because that was her main goal.

Her favourite part was when foreign tourist came in and started ordering with the weirdest accent.
She enjoyed guessing where they were from, sometime she would have even bet with Netossa, much to her wife's disagreement.

"Adora! It's six, you are free to go." Her violet-haired boss told her.
"Thank you so much, Spinnerella." She smiled.
"No problem. How is Razz? You said nothing today..." the woman started with a concern and understanding look.
"Oh, she is fine, she is actually very caught up in trying new receipts lately. Why?" The blonde asked.
"Well, you skipped last week for a family emergency, so we thought that she felt sick." Netossa explained puzzled.
"Oh no, it was Catra, my roommate. She got super drunk and some idiot punched her for kissing his girlfriend." Adora told them, trying to hide her discomfort.
"Since when do you have a roommate?" Spinnerella asked.
They really felt like they lost something, even tho they had attended all the last reunions of the group.
"Yeah, she is new - well, not really, we have known each other since we were children, but she is moving in in these weeks." The blonde said.
"Oh, well, it's good to hear that you live with someone else." Spinnerella smiled.
"Yeah, but she better take good care of you!" Netossa added, tying one arm around her wife's waist.
"Don't worry, she can be the most caring." Adora responded, with sweet memories invading her heart and mind.
"Well, say hi from us, then! And bring her here sometime." Netossa said, while Adora collected her belongings.
"It would be a pleasure! See you tomorrow!" The blonde exclaimed, leaving the bar to head back home.

The city was much more lively by this hour.

Maybe even too much.

While Adora crossed the park, she saw two teenagers quarrelling, one of them holding firmly the other's arm.
She knew she wasn't supposed to meddling, but the obvious hurt on the little guy's face made her careless.

"Is everything alright?" She asked, stepping closer.
"Yeah, nothing to see here, it's just a thing between us." The bigger boy said.
"Are you sure? I could be helpful." She insisted.
"I said it's our thing, go away." He deadpanned.
"Is it?" She repeated, looking directly to the little guy.
"Yes, we are friends." The bigger one snapped.
"Are you?" Adora questioned through gritted teeth.
"I said, this is none of your business!" The big boy exclaimed, pushing her away. If she wasn't used to, she would have fallen.
"It won't be when you will chill down and your friend will look safe!" She stated, crossing her arms under her breasts.
"Go away, Miss, you don't want to be involved." The guy warned her.
"Let him go." The blond insisted.
And he did, but to charge toward Adora, who easily dodged his hit and took advantage of his imbalance to make him fall.
"Are you ready to face this civilly and talk things out?" She asked, but he growled of pure frustration and charged again.
With a smooth motion, Adora blocked him to the ground.
"And now?" She asked.
"Fine!" He muttered, defeated and humiliated.
"Good!" The girl chirped satisfied and let him go.
As soon as her guard was down, the big boy punched her nose and ran off.
Adora stepped back and brought a hand to her hurting face, soon realising that she was bleeding.
"Oh! Fucking bully!" She growled.
"Thank you so much, miss." The smaller boy said, handing her a napkin.
"No problem, dude. But why did he attack you?" She wondered, trying to distract herself from the pulsing and bleeding nose.
"I sell essays, but he wants them for free and threatened me a few times now." The boy explained.
"Ehy, you could be expelled for this! Why risking?" She asked, with a more concerned tone.
"My parents don't want to pay my ballet lessons, so I came up with this little business." He explained frustrated.
"Oh, I'm sorry buddy...what about you give me your email? A friend of my friend is in the theatre field and I know someone at the municipal too. I could look for some local program that is provided by the community. Or you could apply for some job. There are always other options." She suggested with an encouraging smile, although the crimson blood made it less comforting.
"Thank you so much...I'm Porter." He introduced himself.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Adora." The blonde said, shaking his hand.
The boy smiled and tore a peace of paper taken by one of his notebooks, wrote down his email and handed it to her.
"You are very kind, Adora. I'm sorry for your nose." The boy said.
"Thank you and don't worry about it: it happens much more often than what you can I really need to go home. I'll write you when I find something." She said, standing up and walking away, while the boy waved her.

Few metres more and she finally could go down the stairs.
She opened the door and sighed.
"I'm home!" The blonde shouted, hoping for a response.
"Kitchen!" The familiar voice shouted back.
Adora smiled and walked towards her.
"Ehy Cat." She said, seeing her turned to cook something.
"Ehy Ad- what the fuck happened to your face?!" The brunette exclaimed, rushing toward her and cupping the blondie's face in her hand, examinating her nose.
"Just a bully at the park." She answered, scratching the back of her neck out of embarrassment.
"You idiot!" Catra growled, moving away and going to switch off the cooker.
She took a peas bag from the freezer and walked back to her, grasping Adora's wrist, she dragged her to the bathroom.
Sat on the toilet, the blondie watched her friend starting to gently clean her face.
The latina's blue and yellow eye examinated every inch of Adora's nose, cheeks, lips and chin, so focused and with the most serious expression.
"Thank you." The blonde whispered, afraid of breaking the silence.
Catra sighed and her breath hit the girl's lips.
"You deserve every blow...when will you stop playing the hero?" The brunette asked, cleaning Adora's chin with a hand and slightly caressing her cheek with the other.
The girl closed her blue eyes and moved forward to make their foreheads touch.

It was so comforting to her.

The brunette sighed again and stepped back, taking the frozen peas bag and shoving it on Adora's face.
"I go finish making dinner. You wash the dishes tonight." The brunette deadpanned.
"But I got booboo!" Adora protested.
"I don't care." She replied bluntly and the blonde smiled to herself.

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