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"Ehy Adora, Sparckles" the Latina sat on the stairs greeted them, breathing out the smoke of her cigarette.
"Hi Catra!" The blonde happily said back, leaning closer to hug her roommate, while her friend just muttered a "horde scum" with the equal disinterest.
"How was your week?" The brunette asked.
"Tiring. I go to my bed, might not be there for dinner." The pink-haired girl admitted, dragging herself inside with no energy.
"I'm sorry for her, she got extra laps today." Adora explained when they heard the door smashing behind the cadet.
"What for?" Catra questioned with an amused smirk.
"She played risky during a simulation and the trainers didn't like it." The blonde told her frowning.
"Well, she is quite a storm." The latina commented.
"Her intentions are good and it worked, but it was too much for our superiors. You know, in real life we would have all died or all survived. But she is a great leader." Adora told her.
"If you die, she isn't" Catra muttered, killing the cigarette against the stair.
"I trust her and usually we co-lead the operations. I do nothing that I'm not aware of or I don't want to." The blonde said, looking at her friend standing up and walk to their door.
She didn't answer, as Adora chased after her.
"Cat? Come on..." the girl called, but she staid silent and cold.
An half-empty bottle of red wine was on the table, with two glasses next to it.
"DT came over?" Adora asked, lightly caressing the board of the glass with her fingers, hoping that a topic switch would have softened her.
"Not was some ginger named Calipso, we met at the art gallery." The brunette told, finishing her wine.
"Oh, a date! Sounds fun." Her roommate tried to cheer, even tho she was an awful liar and there was no trace of real enthusiasm in her voice.
"Call it that, call it doesn't really matter." Catra sighed.
"Picky about girlfriends?" The blonde asked with the hint of a smirk.
"Picky about people...what about you miss  probably straight?" The Latina talked back and chuckled when Adora stiffened.

That wasn't a light-hearted conversation, they were sincere but felt tension between each other.

"As I said, I don't have time..." she defended herself.
"Do you at least know what you want?" Catra asked, although she already figured out the answer.
"I do..." the blonde whispered, frowning.
"Bullshit." The brunette spit, pointing her and putting back the glass on the table with a loud smash.
Thank god it didn't break.
"I just- I never fell for anybody, I've always dated boys...there was a girl, but..." Adora stuttered, looking at anything but her friend.

The thing about someone you have known  your whole life, someone who can read you and to whom you have whispered all your secrets, is that talking to them can be harder and more truthful then looking at your reflection in the mirror.
Sometimes their presence just let the unspoken slip out, accidentally.

"Who?" Catra asked, calmer.
"Oh, she is nobody...I was just drank." The blonde tried to shrug it off.
"Is it Huntara?" She dared and two beautiful blu eyes immediately met hers, wide open, shocked.
"Whe- how- ?" Adora stuttered.
"Your friends aren't very discreet, She-ra." The brunette said, biting her lip.
She didn't speak, too shocked to answer.
The blonde just undid her tie and opened some buttons of her shirt: she needed to breath.
"You know I won't judge you" Catra reminded her comfortingly, sitting down next to her and softening a bit.
The blonde looked into her mismatched eyes and loved to recognise that familiar she intertwined their fingers.

She hadn't talk about it with anybody, not even Bow and Glimmer.

"Huntara was a friend of mine...I met her while I was elaborating the the time I usually overworked and she...she tried to help me, she wanted me to relax a bit. I admired her: she was tough and resolute...she felt familiar, like someone from the Horde, she made me feel - I don't know...I trusted her. At the beginning it was just a workout together friendship...she had the coolest muscles I have ever seen, she is so strong and her arms are massive! - Ehm, anyway...she convinced me to go to these parties and one night we drank a bit. It was good, like my body didn't weight so much and I could take a break from my life. That's when she kissed me and I melt in it: for the first time in forever I wasn't thinking about Mara, the accident, the guilt...but the deeper the kiss got, the more we made out, the more she tried to undress felt wrong, not safe. She stopped only when I pulled her away with all my strength and ran out.
A part of me craved the sensation of feeling wanted, but another couldn't do it: maybe it was because of her, maybe because I knew we were drank, maybe because I didn't feel like I deserved it, maybe because of what Miss Weaver told us, maybe because I didn't love her...
Since that night, she ghosted me and refused to talk to me. I ruined it all." Adora told, while the brunette draw circles on her hand with her thumb.
"Ehy, you ruined nothing: if she was a real friend to you, she would have stopped earlier and she would have stayed by your side after that. She is just a bitch, ok? And Miss Weaver was very wrong, there are many shapes of love and sometimes you even can't label all of them. Don't let her decide who you can love or feel attracted to. She messed us up, but we can chose now, you know? Look at your friends, do you really think that they are mistakes? Do you really think I am a mistake by god?" Catra said, holding her hand tighter.
The blonde stared at her, wishing to crush in her arms and stay there forever, cuddled like a koala.

No, you are perfect.

Adora smiled tiredly and leaned her head in the brunette's neck, hiding from the world and maybe herself.

The brunette sighed, holding back herself from hugging her roommate.

It was now obvious that living again with that dummy was the worst decision she ever made, especially because no night out, no occasional encounter and no fight could delete that blondie from her mind, from her skin, from her heart...even for a second.

"I'm not attracted to men..." Adora admitted in a whisper, that the brunette surprisingly heard.

Well, that was a news.

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