I want it that way

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"Hello?" A lady said.
"Hello, is it Julia Thompson? From Brightmoon university?" Catra asked, checking the piece of paper she had kept in her wallet.
"Yeah, how can I help you?" The woman asked kindly.
"Ehy, I'm Elisabeth Catra Maullidos, the girl with the dorm problem. We spoke on wensday." The girl reminded her.
"Oh, sure! Hello Miss, have you sorted it out? Do I prepare the documents for the dorm?" The lady asked excitedly.
"No, it was actually me. A friend of mine signed to surprise me, but I guess this whole thing spoiled her plans." The brunette said, looking at an old picture of the two of them.

It was from elementary school and the blondie was holding a pastel for the drawing in front of her, but her eyes were on the friend, while younger Catra played with liquid glue, to peel it off her hand like it was her skin.

"How lovely! I'll sign it as your official address then. The money will be moved monthly on the the badge, which also works as credit card. For all the information about the bank account, you will have to go to Etherian Bank as soon as you receive the badge: they will help you activate it." The lady explained.
"Got it, thank you so much, Miss Thompson." The girl said...she owed her a lot.
"No problem at all. Call if you have any  bureaucratic problem." The woman said, before the needed greeting and closed the phone call.

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