True colors

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"Ehy, you said we would have done a pigiama party." Adora exclaimed, as she saw Catra throwing herself on the bed.
"We share the room, every night is a pigiama party." The brunette protested.
"Oh, come on!" The blonde insisted with a pout.
"Fine!" She growled, standing back up.
The other clapped her hands and started pulling away Catra's bedside table, which divided them.
"Ready?" The brunette asked, her hands already in the external side of her bed.
"Yep!" Adora exclaimed in position.
"3 - 2 - 1" Catra counted and they pushed them untill the beds smashed.
It was now a big queen size bad.
The blonde laid down, while her friend put her bedside table in its new place.
"This is better, isn't it Mr Fluffly?" Adora asked to the cat peluche, holding it high in front of her face.
"And that's why I don't let you pick the names." The brunette teased.
"I know you liked Melog more, but I thought it was better to save it for a real cat." She replied, cuddling the peluche in on her chest.
"What a baby." Catra mocked her again with a chuckle, although it struck her heart hearing that.
Nostalgia, tenderness and bittersweet feelings took over her, while she laid next to Adora.
The blonde smiled and turned, so they could face each other.
"Hi" she whispered.
"Ehy idiot" the brunette whispered back.

Her smirk seemed a bless, her mismatched eyes were glowing and the girl cursed the dim light, for not letting her see clearly the freckled cheeks.

"You are grown even more beautiful, you know?" Adora admitted softly.

Catra couldn't stop herself from blushing and thanked the shadows for hiding her.

"I wish I could say the same, but with that swollen nose it's impossible." The brunette teased.
The blonde pushed her lightly.
"Was it worth it? Being hit for a stranger?" Catra asked.
The girl took a couple of seconds to answer.
"Yeah, I don't want to do nothing...and I could fail, but I have tried. That's the right thing to do." She said.
"Always doing what's right, what you are supposed to...why? If you are so obsessed with protecting, why didn't you go against Miss Weaver?" The brunette complained, her voice still soft and calm.
She just felt tired.
"I thought that the only way to protect you was pleasing her, being perfect, being responsible. She punished you for my mistakes, but if I didn't make any, she wouldn't have a reason." Adora admitted, her low voice cracked.
"Adora...Miss Weaver didn't need a reason, my very existence was enough to her." Catra said, stoving closer.
The blonde took her hand and intertwined their fingers.
"Did you ever feel so unworthy that sometimes you thought no matter how much you tried, how hard you worked...nothing could change it? That maybe you really didn't" Adora asked tears already leaving her eyes.
"Everyday" the brunette released in a breath.
The blonde moved closer and leaned in her friend's chest.
She smelled good and was very warm.
"You think you don't deserve love?" Catra asked, surprised by such a revelation from the most beloved person she knew.
Then she felt her nodding against her body.
"Why? Everyone wants you." She whispered.
"I don't know...I've been abandoned by the people who were supposed to love me the most...Miss Weaver accepted me in her own terms...maybe they also like me because I haven't failed yet. What will happen when everybody will find out I'm not special?" Adora answered, loud enough to be heard.
"I don't know, princess...for how goody they are, they will probably help you anyways. You really found your similars." Catra said with a chuckle, starting to play with Adora's smooth locks.
"Can you like me again?" The other begged.
"I don't know, princess." She answered.
Adora nuzzled more into her and the brunette crossed their legs.
"I missed cuddling with you. It's the best part." The blonde said.
"Best part of what?" Catra asked.
"Everything." She whispered, eyes closed and sleep taking over.
When she started to snore, the latina knew she was alone with her thoughts.
"I'm terrified by loving you again, because you seem so unreachable, so distant...and I swing from feeling useless and meaningless, to better then anybody and badass powerful. For the first time, someone is giving me something for no are offering me a home and everything we have always dreamed about...but you have such a potential to tear me apart. I don't think I could go through it all over again...that's why I'm stronger without you." Catra admitted in soft whispers, hardly audible even to herself.
Adora snored a little bit louder and hugged her closer, adjusting their positions.
The brunette couldn't hold back a giggle.

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