I promise

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Adora looked at the watch on her wrist: she had no more time.
Catra had fallen asleep on the couch, so she thought it was time to tuck her in bed.
She walked in their room, undid the sheets and move the cat peluche on the bedside table.
Back in the livingroom, she scooped Catra in her arms and walked her to the bed, taking away the knitted blanket and covering her with the maroon sheets.
On her bedside table she also put a box of aspirin and a glass of water. She would have needed it the next morning.
"I'm going back to the Academy, please be here tomorrow..." Adora whispered her, kissing her old best friend's cheek before leaving.

The blonde sighed and closed the door behind her, starting her walk to the metro and then the train station. The academy was one hour away from the city and it was still dark outside, she probably would have arrived at the very last second.

What a day...what a night.

She had Catra back.
The brunette was finally there with her.
She felt such a relief, even if it disappointed her that she never got her letter.
How did she find her then?
Was it some kind of miracle?

Gosh, Adora had spent so much time wondering any what if, all the possibilities, all her choices.
Being adopted felt good for a while, but the absence of Catra immediately hit her.
She woke up in a living dream, but couldn't feel happy...she just felt guilty, with the image of her broken friend stuck in her head, while she yelled the most awful things to her.

Adora never meant to leave her behind, or to betray her, or go looking for something better...she had just been adopted and not only she couldn't refuse anyways, a part of her just desired to feel wanted and belonging.
She just didn't know she already had a family! She had given Catra for granted, in her head they could make it work, they could see each other and call each other...but then the latina started ghosting her and Mara died, she and Razz had to move and there just were too many things separating them.
All Adora wanted was to fix her bond with Catra and have her family back.
Thank god the girls from the football team started befriending her.
Without Glimmer and Bow and then the rest of the gang, she wouldn't be able to focus and making new plans.
From studying to keep her grades up, to giving her a roof and help her place Razz in a beautiful home for the elderly in the countryside.
They really saved her, especially Perfuma with her homemade gums to sleep: she had no idea of what herbs were in there, but they worked and it was enough to Adora.

But Catra never received her letter.
Was she adopted then?
Or did she escape from the orphanage?
The blonde had always hated imagine what happened after she left: hopefully with her gone, Miss Weaver had no reason to be worried about their friendship and punish her for Adora's mistakes.
How she had wanted to be the one blamed, to protect the brunette, to face the consequences of her failures, but Miss Weaver never did, never accepted her desperate apologies.

Adora always wanted to live in a less messed up world, to protect the people and when Mara died in the accident, she understood she wanted to take care of her family, to do her best to understand how to take care of Razz and Catra, even when it meant checking Razz in the elderly house and being alone again.

The blonde only wanted to do the right thing, but she always felt like loosing somehow.

She could fix it now, she had to be better, for her.

She wouldn't have given up, ever.

I mean, she came back, at the end...even without the letter, it happened...all her hopes had realised, so maybe she would have given her a second chance, wouldn't she?

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