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"This is weird." Bow muttered.
"What?" Glimmer asked frowning.
"Lance asks me when we leave for the train station." He answered.
"Well, that's a good question! Adora isn't answering to any of my massages." She snapped.
"Don't worry, she is always on time. Just give her a couple of minutes." The boy calmed her down, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Yeah, well, the bus won't wait for her. Maybe we should just go back in and search her. No soldier left behind, isn't it?" She proposed with a smile.
"Adora is the strongest cadet in our group, i think we can just stay here." Bow  said.
"Yeah, I know, but I'm bored and we can't really kill the time making out." Glimmer replied pouting.
"About that, I don't think we can sleep at my place tonight: the new apartment has  paper-thin walls and you are noisy...in a good way." The boy said with a purely happy smile.
"I- ehm- whatever! Fine." She whimpered, blushing crazily.

Bow never was a big flirt, he never used provocative tones or pick up lines, but the innocent way he would say the most explicit requests or references made Glimmer as red as a tomato and flustered like there was no tomorrow.

"So...your house?" He asked
"Yeah, maybe we could watch a film with the girls." She added.
"Yes! Best friend squad cinema night!" He exclaimed cheerfully.
"And Catra." Glimmer underlined.
"Come on! Count her in!" He complained with the cutest puppy eyes.
"Uugh! Best friend squad cinema night!" She mimicked him, less cheerfully tho.
"That my girl!" He exclaimed, hugging her.
"Bow! We are in the academy!" She complained.
"Guys! Guys! I'm here!" Shouted a familiar blonde, running toward them like a storm.
"Adora! You're finally arrived! We thought you went lost." Glimmer jokes, as her boyfriend let her go.
"I'm sorry...Xavier...help with...fix...weapons room" she explained panting.
"Don't worry, we can still make it." Bow smiled her reassuringly.
"Yeah, are you ok? Do we go?" The pink-haired girl asked her.
Adora just nodded and they started walking toward the gates of the school.
As they reached the buss stop, Bow's phone started ringing and he picked up with a confused look.
"Hello? Dagger?" He asked, while the girls looked at him, equally confused.
"No, we are still here - what? really?! That's great! - No, still by the school! - The gates? Perfect! Thank you bro!" The dark-skinned boy said with the usual enthusiasm, while the girls starred at him.
"Dagger is driving us home." He announced closing the phone call.
"Yes!" Glimmer exulted.

She loved each of Bow's big brothers and they had grown very fond of her too...as long as the military life wasn't mentioned.

"It will be good avoiding the train for once." Adora added relieved.
"Yeah, sometimes I wish I could teleport wherever." The pink-haired girl admitted.
"Maybe in some other life." Bow smiled to her, wrapping his arm around her.
"Oh, you are so cute when you can show off affection." The blonde fangirled, making them grin widely.
"Do you know if Dagger is far away?" Glimmer then asked.
"Not really...oh! I can see him!" Bow exclaimed and soon after a green car pulled over.
As the three of them got closer, a men jumped out of it.
"Bowy!" He exclaimed, running to the boy to hug him tightly.
"Dag! It's been a lifetime!" The brother greeted back.
As they broke the hug, the man turned to Glimmer with a happy smile.
"How is my soon-to-be sister doing?!" He asked, embracing her too.
"Hey Dag, I'm alright! Thank you so much for the ride!" She said, as she hugged him back.
"Super She-ra!"The man then said, walking to Adora.
"I'm happy to see you again, Dag! How was China?" She greeted him with a hug.
"Yeah! Did you discover any important ruins?" Bow asked.
"I'm actually working on some ancient statues that are super cool, but I hope that Dads will can help me with some translations." He told them.
"Oh, fool us for thinking that you were here to hang out." Glimmer jocked.
"I'm multitasking!" He stated, with a serene and knowing face.
"Well, let's head home, shall we?" Adora purposed, leaning on the green car impatiently.
"What's wrong She-ra? Can't wait to see your kitten?" Glimmer teased her, as the girl turned bright red.
"Oh oh, I can smell gossip!" Dag cheered.
"There's no tea to spill!" The blonde denied.
"Adora is a simp for her roommate: they were childhood best friends, but broke apart in highschool and She-ra here has toiled ever since to rent a house for the two of them and live together again." Bow explained.
"Aw! That's so romantic!" Dagger started to fangirl.
"It's not romantic! We are just friends! And I'm not a simp!" Adora protested.
"Oh, and she doesn't want to admit her blinding crush on her." Glimmer added.
"Uuuggh!" The blonde cried.
"Please tell me she will come to the party tomorrow." Dag begged, entering in the traffic flow.
"Oh yes!" Bow answered as excited as his brother.

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