When she loved me

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"If this isn't interesting, kitten!" DT chuckled, after having heard about Catra's newest updates.

They were in the usual burlesque club, drinking and waiting for the show to start.
Catra had already hooked up with almost all the sapphic dancers now, and a couple of the "confused" ones.
The show was loud, but also sexy and much more satisfying then plain strip or pole dance.

"Tell me about it." She sighed, taking a sip of her drink.
"So, is this Adora-girl your disillusional first love or what?" They asked.
"I never loved her, she was my best friend and she left me in a fucking hell hole. That's what happened." The brunette snapped.
"Ok kitten, you need something stronger. Alex, darling, would you be so nice to bring us two shots of tequila?" They asked flirtatiously to the waiter.
"What does your minion say about this?" Continued DT.
"Scorpia isn't my minion, she just can't reject authority...and she hates Adora, but after I told her some of the stuff she told me, Scorpia said that a bed is a bed and that, anyways, it's up to me to decide if it's better the dorm or that apartment." She said.
"What do you think then?" They questioned.
"I hate strangers, but I could submit an hypotetical roommate, maybe even scare them away. On the other hand, living with Adora would be very toxic for me, but she is almost never there, the neighbourhood is great and she wouldn't really let in somebody else anyway...but the Mayor and her bubbly daughter would be a pain in the ass. Those pinky bitches treat Adora like a honorary member of the family and that Sparkles glares at me like I was the one who hurt Adora and not the other way around." She told them, before swallow the shot of raspberry tequila.
"What the hell- Why is it fruity?" She complained, then noticing the flirty smirk on DT's face, directed to the waiter.
"Oh please, focus on me, you insatiable bitch!" She snapped again.
"Ok, ok, claws in, kitten. Is Adora sexy?" They asked.
"Yeah, but what does it have to do with it all?" Catra questioned furiously.
"Well, I would rather want to have a good sight when I come back home!" They scoffed.
"That's what hook ups are for." She complained.
"Fine, if you don't want her, introduce the hottie to me." They proposed.
"You won't lay a finger on Adora!" The brunette growled.
"Whatever, another shot kitten?" They asked.
"Let's make two."Catra sighed.

Soon after it was all blurry.

The brunette remembered the drinking, DT drugging her to the stage, dancing with some girls, then the kissing and hands going under her shirt.

In the summer afternoons she and Adora always used to go to the park, where there was this very tall pine.
The two of them always raced to run there and then climb it, as high as the branches were safe, leaving the other coward children at the feet of it, staring at them.

She remembered also a flashing light, some yelling, someone punching her face - Shadow Weaver maybe? But how?

But Adora had always been slow and clumsy, so she often happened to fall and get scratched. Tears started streaming from her eyes, although she did her best to hold them back.

Then she remember wandering in the streets and a yellow car, a taxi.

Catra would have wiped them away and kiss her wounds, before helping her stand up. They sneaked back in the orphanage and the brunette stole the first aid kit, to take care of Adora.

She had paid the taxi and went down some stairs, then started knocking and shouting for them to open.

It happened frequently that Miss Weaver would have seen bandages on the blonde child and immediately snap at Catra, for having dragged her golden baby in who knows what dangers. She would have punished her, with hits, words or closing her somewhere, alone.

She remembered feeling sick and throwing up, then someone holding her.

Then, when Miss Weaver left, Adora would have run to Catra and start hugging her tightly, kissing her wounds and tell her she loved her, that she was her best friend.

She remembered the blonde hair and a strong grip on her, while warm water wetted her head.

There were many dark days, but Adora's love somehow enlightened them.

...and she woke up.

The light flirted from a long window above her head.
Oh, her head! It hurt crazy and she groaned.
Sitting up, it all seemed dizzy and the room was spinning.

Maroon sheets, light beige wardrobe, a desk, two shelves with photos and books, another single bad beside hers.
She was in Adora's place.

Turning around, she saw again the aspirin box and a glass of water.
She took the pill and tried to stand up, dragging herself to the main room, from which she could here some noises.
"Adora?" She called her, standing at the doorway and covering her eyes for the too strong light.
"Catra, ehy, how are you?" She asked, standing up and rushing to her.
"I feel like a bus hit me" the brunette admitted miserably.
The blonde got closer and hugged her, starting to stroke her hair, surprisingly being embraced back.
"I'm super mad at you for getting wasted like that." Adora whispered kindly, leaving a kiss on her temple.
Catra was such a baby when she didn't feel good, she had always been.
"Mmmhh" the brunette groaned, snuggling her face in her neck.
"Do you want something to eat? You threw up a lot last night." The girl proposed.
Catra nodded against her, but didn't let go.
"Is eggs and bacon ok? The coffee is already made." Adora asked.
"Sounds like a plan." She said, moving away instantly, disgusted by her own smelly breath.
"Gosh, what did DT give me yesterday?" She muttered, covering her mouth.
"I would like to know as well, you were on another planet: they even hit you for making out with someone's girl." The blonde told her.
"What? Really? Were you there?" She asked in shock.
"No, you complained about it while I was cleaning you." Adora said, serving her the coffee.
"You showered me!" Catra exclaimed, flushing red and immediately taking her head in her hands for the harm.
"I showered your hair, there was poke on it and on your arm, then I helped you getting changed and tucked you in bed. It wasn't enjoyable at all, believe me." The blonde specified, glueing her blue eyes on the food to hide her blushing face.

It really was disgusting, but seeing her tattoos made it a little less awful.

"Thank you, then..." Catra muttered.
"I look out for you." Adora responded, breaking the eggs in the pan.

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