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"Rise that ass, wildcat! I can see you, remember?" The buff girl scolded her through the phone.
"Shut the fuck up, Scorps, I'm still recovering from yesterday." The brunette hissed.
"I told you not to go clubbing with DT when we have work out sessions." The friend reminded her softly, used to Catra's hangover cries.
The latina just growled and let herself fall on the carpet with a thud.
How she hated plancs.
"Ok, wildcat, break time." The buff girl gave up, sitting more comfortably too.
"It was time..." she mumbled.
Scorpia just giggled.
"Enjoy this last two weeks of mild workouts, I already started to pack my things for moving day." She warned the brunette.
"Good, I can't go out only with DT that much longer, they are really doing their worst to spice up my life." She sighed, holding her head in her hands.
"What do you mean?" Scorpia asked.
"Of all the things, I'll just tell you that somehow I'm now part of a weird elite fightclub...you can't imagine the initiation! Anyhow, there are some hotties and if I win I get the bets money. It can be a good way to spend monday nights, I missed hitting random assholes." Catra told her.
"Wow! That's new! But why on Monday? Wouldn't the weekend be better? So, you know, you have time to heal..." the big gal said.
"Are you kidding? With the wannabe-hero at home? She would lose her mind." The brunette scuffed, lying her back on the carpet.
"Well, I could come along, maybe, just to make sure you won't get killed." Scorpia offered.
"Even if I wanted you there, it's just impossible: you gotta be invited. It's very lobby-like." Catra replied.
"Oh! That's so cool, wildcat! Do you have a password? And a pin? Or a ring?! Like in films!" The buffed girl cheered amazed.
"There is a password, but no accessories...you know, it's supposed to be secretive." She reminded her.
"Oh! You are right, that makes sense." The white-haired admitted.
"Where are Entrapta and Emily anyway? They usually interrupt us." The brunette suddenly pointed out.
"Oh, Entrapta is spending the week in the lab with Hordak and his twin. They are working on some experiment, I really didn't want to detect too much. Those two kinda scare me when they are together...but they are also such cute lovebirds, you know? The other day-" Scorpia started rattling.
"Please, save it. I can't believe that she had to crush on that jerk of all the people..." Catra bluntly cut her off.
"Ok...Wanna do more work out?" The friend asked.
"Whatever, I need to be fit anyways." She huffed, making the white-haired smirk.
"Think about this: many ladies will be glad" the big gal encouraged and that was enough for Catra to chuckle again.

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