Chapter 10- Change

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Rose P.O.V.

I have never seen so much food in one place before. There was TWO different kinds of pastas with that weird green stuff that you always see on rich people food , yeah, I got that on my plate. Then there was more than one type of food, I was informed by the tall one who's name is apparently Vincent that they were 'Courses'. Like a meal within a meal. Strange I know.

I also found out that the blondies name is Spencer, and that they both aren't half bad people, like I assumed. After the meal Prince Kenneth, gosh that's a mouthful, stood up and again for like the hundreth time looked at me. I expected him to not speak again instead his voice came out like velvet, "Can I escort you back to your room?" His voice was collected but you could see the panic swimming in his light brown eyes.

Do I say yes? Why not? I mean he only brought me here by force. But he hasn't hurt me. "Sure." Life's short right? And this castle is big, and Rita took many turns and twists.

His beautif- eyes. Just eyes. Light up and he gets the small smile that kept reaccuring through out the night back. I start on my way to the door expecting him to follow, when I don't here footsteps I look back to find him staring at me so I raise an eyebrow, "comin'?"

He snaps out of his 'daze' and starts nodding and making his way toward me,"yes, most definaty." Gosh, he's cute. What. No. Not okay. I need to get out of here and back home. My family needs me. I decided at dinner I would check out the window in the bathroom again for any alarms.

As we are walking down the forever hallway I think back to the massive dinner. "Where does all of the leftover food go?" I ask him. At home ir there is leftovers we will either give the to the 8's or eat it the next day.

"Leftover food?" He asks his forehead creasing. Of course the rich do not have to worry about how they will afford their next meal. Or how they will afford anything for that matter, especially the prince all he has to do is snap his fingers and its his. Disgusting really.

"Yeah. You know where does it go?" I ask with a slight accidental irritation. I mean its not his fault. Its the king's right?

"Ummmm... I don't know. It is most likely just thrown away. Why do you ask?" He says confused. The trash? Where I come from it takes a lot for something to be trash. We try to re-use anything we can. But trash? And there are hundreds of people I see everyday starving amd under weight. This is not okay. Even if they are 'royalty'

"Well, have you ever thought about donating the food you didn't eat to the lower section? I mean come on I can't be the only one that is bothered that there are hundreds starving." I say as he stops and I realize we are at the room that I was in earlier.

He doesn't say anything for a while he just looks foward to the gigantic glass window at the end of the hall, his face looks like he is in deep thought calculating what to say, and thinking over what I said. Good. Maybe I knocked some sense into him.

Finally he turns to me, " you know what, I will see what I can do. I will talk to my father about." He says a smile on his face and an emotion swimming in his eyes. Pride? Strange.

"You mean The king? Like the legit King?" I ask in disbeleif. I forgot he was the son of the ruler of our corrupt goverment system... How can someone so good come from something so bad? Somethings no right here. Nevermind its none of my business.

"Yeah. I mean he is my dad after all." He says in an explaining voice." Anyways I should let you get some sleep. Rita will be up shortly to show you where your night clothes are... Will I see you at breakfast?" He asks in a hopeful tone.

"I don't know if I can ever think about eating again after how much I ate tonight." I respond laughing and he laughs along with me. " but I'll see what I can work out." I say still smiling.

"Okay... And maybe you know if you want... I could... give you a tour?" He asks nervous once again. Isn't he supposed to be a stuck up snotty rich kid? Well I hate to tell the people at home but he ain't at all like that... None of the people I have met here so far are like that... Except for that uptight butt kisser guard.

"I don't see why not. Goodnight... er... Your Highness?" I say unsure of what to call him. I prefer not to get mauled by guards again. I look around and notice gaurds at the corners of every hallway. Just as I thought.

"Oh please. Call me Kenneth. And don't worry about the guards, I've told them not to hurt you." Okay. Like they will listen." And goodnight, Rose." He simply states then walks down the hallway. I watch his perfect posture in every step as he glides down the entire hall then lose him as he makes a sharp turn around the corner.

Once he is gone I turn the gold polished door knob to the room then step in and fall on the bed and stare around the room. Oh lord, What have I gotten myself into this time?

Decided I would update today since I'm home sick. Again.
Anyways hoped you enjoyed this. Sorry if its kind of long but you know the drill.
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