Chapter 15

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Elsa's POV
Darkness thats all I could see my vision was just dark nothing until I moved my finger and as if a trigger I immediately felt my whole body light up I could feel every bit of it I could feel the burning dryness of my throat and the empty hollow feeling of my stomach but most of all the heavy weight of my eyelids sealed shut.
Then a sudden warmth hit my cheek I tried to resist but I couldn't move they lightly touched my eyes that I tried so hard to open finally victory. Green soft material with brown messy hair was burried in my neck then bright forest green eyes sparkling with a emotion I cannot yet recognize "finally your awake do you remember what happened" I went to speak but nothing came out so I just shook my head "well when I left one of my human soldiers came here and poisened your food because you killed his brother so I did what I had to, to help you to keep you alive " he looked down to my chained legs from this angle I got a better look at him he had dark bags under his eyes and his skin was more pale than usual and his eyes were blood shocked was he worried?
"I guess your hungry after not eating for a week so here" he held out some sort of soup at this rate I honestly couldn't care less if it was drowned in poisen I went to take the plate when my arms wouldn't function I was so disappointed so I just averted my gaze to the ground he just smiled put the plate down got a spoon and fed me the warm plain soup.

After eating the warm liquid I just sat there "elsa" he garbbed both my hands "whats the point in feeling people are just dirty lying magots who care about no one but themselves I dont understand what made you beleive in them again because no ones coming to save you so why dont you just give up and then we can finally .....................
........... be together again just like before" a weird smile crept to his lips as he dropped my hands and left not saying another word.
Have I really been here for a week already have they already given up on looking for me or have they not even bothered in the first place it wouldn't be the first time and what did he mean again and why is he being so nice remember elsa pitch is your best friend he definitely will come he did before and he will again but until then I'll just have to be patient.
-----------------Jacks POV-------------------------------
This girl was wearing ripped denim shorts and a dark green tank top but over the tanktop she was wearing a bullet proof jacket loaded with all kinds of crap I didn't know exsisted "piiitchh why has it taken you so long to visit and wears elsaaa are u guys going out yet" she said in a annoyed tone woth a pouty face "uhhh what are you talking about why I um" his face turned red wait what the hell since when were they going out "WHAT I WAS JUST JOKING DONT TELL ME SHE STOLE YOU ALREADY" I looked over at pitch who breathed in and out then looked over at that girl and explained that she was wrong and told her the situation "okay so you need my help getting ice shadow back whats in it for me?"uh I thought you would do it out of the kindness of your heart" he looked at her hopefully she thought for a minute then She smiled evily " I want a kiss" a kiss seriously tink why would you want that" she looked sad for a minute but then composed herself "don't question me just do it" fine" he went to kiss her cheek but she just went for it and boom I quickly got my phone out and took a photo this was hilarious you should have seen pitches face but he carried on till she pulled away then she looked over at me "who are you" her I eyes widened and she grabbed the closest gun near her and pressed it against my forehead "I remember you your the one that got us in all this shit in the first place and if I recall you also use to bully pitch you've got 10 seconds to give me a good reason not to blow your brains out right now time starts now "ummm I uh" I had no idea what to do she was really scary "tink thats enough he's somewhat how do I put it different now" she looked at pitch then looked me up down and gave me a deathly glare "well hello jack my names tink I am the person you come to if you want weapons people like to call me a fairy because I supply the magic if you like" wow she wasn't joking the guns and knives sprawled across the floor explained it all I hope elsa's okay.......

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