Chapter 18

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Jacks POV
Its been about 24 hours since I started looking for elsa I think I have a lead but I need to think about what I'm gonna say when I see her when I save her I can't just bring her with me she needs a reason maybe I could apologise or something I guess that thought will have to wait the lead that I found should be here at this old rundown pub with people buzzing around it he wears a bear hat thats made from real bear skin and apparently thats important as soon as I found my person I grabbed him kicked him around abit then I asked him what I wanted to know "wheres pan?" "I d-dont know" I laughed then punched him as hard as I could in the nose "wheres pan" I looked at him he said nothing "I'm more scared of him than you" "is that so" I pulled out my knife and pushed it against his neck until little trickles of blood formed "ok ok hes at new york 34 neverland rd" after that I ditched and ran towards his car I took his keys awhile ago and started driving to new york im comimg.
Elsa's POV
Its been ages since I've been out side im so bored I dont understand pan he's different last time I was here it was hell he made me kill he taught me how to kill this time its like he's being really careful like he's dealing with a fragile doll and I could break at any moment the door opened for the first in many days and nights it was pan he looked at me with weird eyes like he was fighting with himself then he shut the door and lowered his head put his hand over his mouth then started coming where I was I didn't move I stood my ground he put his hands around my waist then leaned in he wasn't seriously no he wouldn't he kept leaning in till our lips touched I moved back then he moved foward until I was against the wall he grabbed my arm and flipped me onto the bed and kissed me but he was making me swallow something I tried to move but I couldn't I dont know what came over me I just couldn't hold it in anymore my feelings I have been trying to bury and forget just all came out I just started crying I don't know why he stopped and sat up when I opened my eyes I noticed that he was crying as well his tears were endless "I'm sorry I'm so sorry its my fault its my fault" I looked at him curiously then in a instant all theese memories hit me out of the blue ones of my parents anna pan pitch myself everything I past out after that all I could feel was pans cold hands touching my face then cold I felt cold.
Pans POV
I wish things could be the way they were before but they cant be because of him.....
Pan was sitting in his big comfy chair quietly which meant he was bored and the thing he hates most of all is being bored so he thought of something entertaining to do "hey nightmare bring in the one we just recently bought and make sure she isn't wearing white that might be a problem. Afew minutes later the nightmare had brought in elsa one of pans many lost soals "hey slave whats your name" no reply "HEY you don't have the right to be disobedient now I will ask you one more time whats your name?" She looked up at me with dead eyes she looked completely lifeless like there was no point in living but she chose not to speak and I'm not in a generous mood "fine you choose not speak, Nightmare bring me another" "yes sir" he came back with another female but this one showed much more fear than she did I'm pretty sure she's been here awhile but I cant remember her name shes a little younger than this one she has strawberry blond hair with bright green eyes and a terrified expression until she looked at the blonde one "elsa is that you oh my god elsa it's me anna" the weird one ran up to the disobedient one and embraced her well thank you I now know your names and that you know each other this will be fun "ok I want you two to fight my nightmares if either of you die the other one is the winner but you dont have to fight each other but most people prefer to get this task over and done with so goodluck."
I wish I never did that why not? Because it was my fault that your sister died that day....
○←◀♧•→▼♧▲end of flashback○↓ ●☆▶☆•←◀←◀←◀→↓◀→◀♧○:'(◀→◀→
I craddled her in my arms I bet she'll want to stay now that she knows but she can't I just don't want to hurt her anymore than I have physically and mentally pitch is better for her he's loyal and would never hurt her but I'm worried about jack if he comes anywhere near her I will have to control myself. Elsa started to wake up I didn't dare say anything ,I was scared, scared of rejection but at the same time scared of acceptance. She looked me up and down her platinum blomde hair was slowly turning a dark pitch black with little bits of dark pink and purple, what do I do "why why didn't you tell me about us do you hate me or do you love me because I don't know you said that you would protect me and look after me then you kissed me that day but what I didn't know was that you made me swallow the stupid drink that you gave jack why did you want me to forget." "Because I couldn't handle how emotionally damaged you were, don't think I didn't know about your cutting and self harm and then that time you locked yourself in your room I panicked I didn't know what you would do then when you came out and you looked .dead. So I thought that if you didn't remember killing your sister, and who killed your parents because I love you I wanted you to be happy even if I can't be happy with you." Elsa sat up and leaned in and kissed me it felt great I couldn't hold back we sat there making out for awhile until we pulled away for air then we turned to see a shocked jack standing at the door that I thought I locked.

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