Chapter 2

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Jacks POV
After that incident yesterday with elsa I got my lip all bunged up she sure is lucky that I knew her from childhood and that we use to be best friends I wonder what happened I haven't seen her for years wait what if we started to go out and then since I lost my memory I forgot and haven't spoken to her this whole time like I admit when I first saw her I had a deep feeling for her like I just wanted to talk to her I didn't care what came out I just wanted to speak to her I have to fix this. I made my way out of the nurses office thinking aboit what she said about talking to her and pitch? Who's he well I just assume its a him who names their son pitch anyway back on topic I need to find her I then saw her platinum blonde hair with pink and purple highlights in a side braid she was talking to some guy he had pitch black hair complimented with yellowish orange eyes he reminded me of a crow wait pitch black hair this must be pitch I'm so smart "hey elsa can I talk to you for a sec alone" she looked at pitch and nodded he then glared at me then left elsa then came over to me and broke thr silence first "uh sorry about before I lost my temper and shouldn't jave punched you but did you really mean what you said about how you don't remember anything past 12?" "Yeah I had the acciedent when I was like 15 and you just weren't there I asked around but people didn't say anything so I just assumed you moved or something so why did you punch me?" She looked at the floor clenching her fists then looked up at me and did the most scary fake smile ever and said "no reason just in a bad mood" liar " see you around and what I said before still applies" "hey wait you wanna come to this party on friday night" "nah I'm busy got work" and with that she started walking away from me again.

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