chapter 8

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Elsa POV

"c'mon elsie we're gonna miss it" miss what? c'mon its a surprise" i followed the little boy with platnim white hair as he was tugging me along, what appereared to be a dirt road that lead into the forest we kept on walking then it started getting dark i looked behind us not being able to shake the feeling that we were being watched but when i looked back at the boy he was much taller with shaggy brown hair that shaped his face perfectly along with his sharp jaw but the only thing that didnt seem to change was his eyes even though his hair was a different colour , and the child shape roundness of his face had vanished his eyes still had that sparkle that warm feeling that i couldn't fully put into words as i was admiring his apperance i heard a stick snap behind me there was someone there i panicked and tryed to grab the boy but h-h-he pushed me away no matter how hard i tryed to get him to help me he would just push me away towards the scary looking figure, but, finally, i-i just stopped trying, i gave up on asking him for help in a matter of minutes the man was standing behind me whispering unfamiliar words into my ears i didnt want to be near this guy i wanted someone to help me to save me i looked up to the boy once more, our eyes locked then he started walking away not once looking back behind him he was gone and so was the man so was the tree's the road everything it was just ............... gone?

then i woke up.....

Pitch's POV

yay i finally get to go to school wait i sound like i actually LIKE school its not really that i like school its just that there's... well ... someone i like to meet at school infact i'm currently on my way to pick them up.

 Elsa's POV

i sat up damn i hate that dream but its the same one every time and i know exactly who its about          JACK i wish i never meet him i-i forget it he's to obsessed about his reputation than he is about me he hates me he made that very clear 4 years ago but i dont care if he hates me if he wishes he never meet me because the amount of pain he made me go threw made me into who i am today i can accept this. I got up and had a quick shower, when i was done with that i grabbed some black high waisted skinnys and a blue crop top and some light make-up i dont really see the point in loading my face up with heaps of junk EVERY DAY for school i mean whats the point "KNOCK KNOCK" i walked towards the door it was pitch "hey elsa you ready" yeah"*stomach grumbles* "did you forget to eat brekfeast AGAIN els" no, maybe......... OK fine i give up stop staring at me like that" you have to eat something before you go to school otherwise your gonna starve" i'll be fine i have a really big lunch so calm down lets go" i grabbed pitch's wrist and headed towards his car i was about to open my door but pitch bet me to it "ladies first" he said with a smirk plastered across his face "why thank you" i said with a posh accent a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. We drove to school in silence then i reached for the radio and ended touching hands with pitch he jerked his hand back i shrugged and proceeded on turning on the radio then as we were pulling in to the school parking lot "what are you gonna do" pitch said on a serious tone "i dont know but i guess this will be fun" a sadistic smile creeping its way to my face i cant wait for everyone to see me all the people who use to bully me who would push me around and call me ugly i couldn't wait for this :).

Pitch's POV

"what are you gonna do"i said in a serious tone " i dont know" she replied hesitantly then a scary looking smile surfaced her face "but i guess this will be fun" the smile growing on her face she confidently stepped out of the car and started walking into the school i scrambled out of the car trying to catch up with elsa i mean there's bound to be someone that notices how hot she is and i dont want that person anywhere near her even the thought of her with someone else makes my blood boil i looked around for elsa but couldnt see her anywhere but i felt like people were staring at me with shocked expressions like i was famous or something i carried on walking then i saw a crowd of people circling around something they were chanting fight fight i wonder who it was?

Elsa's POV

i walked into the school confidently trying to look intimidating  as soon as i walked through the doors giving me lustful stares and girls giving jelous stares but i just ignored them and made my way towards my locker but as soon as i got there someone slamed my locker shut i didnt even bother to look up to see who it was "What do you want i'm kinda busy" "dont talk to me like that anyway i came to tell you to stay away from jack he's mine" i looked to see a girl with long blonde hair and a pretty pink dressthat ended just above the knee's i decided to annoy her and play dumb " who's he but dont worry i dont want your scrappy man whore" she looked at me with a shocked exspression but like i cared then i felt a surge of pain come from my hear i turned around well tryed "fuck" i mumbled i saw her smirk at my words " not again if your gonna hit me can you hurry up and get it over with" i looked around people were starting to gather around "SHUTUP BITCH I BET THAT YOU GET BEATEN UP ALL THE TIME DONT YOU BITCH" what was that suppose to mean ohhh wait i get it she's trying to make a comeback wow she could've chose something better "you know what your really starting to piss me off" and with those last wordsi punched her in the face she fell to the ground and to be honest i felt excited. excited for when she stands up when she trys to defend herself but no matter how hard she trys no one will help her and she'll suffer alone i looked down at her she was still on the ground wait are you serious she passed out after that one hit wow " guess my jobs done" "ELSA" i looked to see a very angry pitch "outside now" he said very angrily. Why's he so mad he gets into fights all the time and suddenly when i get into one he goes all teacher on my ass .

Jack's POV

i dragged myself to out of the warm safety of my bed and went to school as i walked into school i heard every chanting and screaming and stuff  ??? I wonder why i walked over to the crowd people were making space for me as usual i saw punzie on top of some one else i couldn't quite see her face i saw punzie mouth a few words then this chick went mental as she was standing up i fell into her electric blue eyes. It was Elsa. why is she fighting with punzie i was pulled out of my thoughts when someone was wrapping there arms around sobbing very loudly, i looked down to see punzie a very badly beaten punzie d-did elsa do this my head shot up to see pitch grabbing elsa by the arm and dragging her to the roof just the thought of pitch touching her makes me want to punch him in the face a million times over again.


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