chapter 10

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Elsa's POV

After jack passing out i carried him to to the nurses office and left school i needed to clear my head so I went to the last place i saw anna the hotel. I walked in remembering the days where it was just me Anna and North i didnt really trust him at first but i slowly started opening up to him then apparently he had a nephew that had to come live with us because his mother died and his father was in jail his name was .... Pitch i still remember the first time we met he wasa total jerk but then we started to get to know eachother he made me feel warm when i felt cold and his prescence alone made me feel safe i still missed jack but  he was the one that helped me through my parents death and when jack started ignoring me i didnt know why i tried to talk to jack even when he would always say something stupid like go back to your new best friend or stop talking to me looser so i did. What else was i suppose to do i tried everything but what i regret the most is trusting him? even though he ignored me, told me i was nobody, i never beleived it what i beleived is that we would always be friends no matter what. wow how stupid am I. I decided i should probably go home its starting to get dark. I walked the dimly lit streets the street lights flickering then the flickering stopped but so did the light it was gone the only source of light now was the moon and the stars i carried on walking then i heard something rustling around in the alley way i turned my head to see nothing so i just shrugged it off then i heard heavy footsteps i turned around once more to see a dark figure walking towards me so i did what any sane person would. I ran. I ran, the guy didnt start running just walking a little faster when i turned to face where i was going i was pulled into big muscular arms i kicked and squirmed but this person had an iron grip but i wasnt going to give up never the guy started sprinting while holding me in a tight embrace he finally got tired of my struggling and decided to throw me over his shoulder thinking that would make me give up i didnt AT ALL but as i was kicking and screaming i noticed something that sparkled against the light of the moon it seemed like a necklace i grabbed it he didnt seem to notice as he was still running i looked up we were going towards my house?

i looked at the neclace it had a black chain then at the end a locket i went to open it but you needed a key i gave pitch a simalar thing when we were kids hmmmm i wonder.... i put my hand on his neck and pulled myself so i could look at his face i was straight away met with his fiery green eyes that looked very determined half of his face was covered i could only see his eyes but straight away new that it was him i put my head in the crook of his neck inhaling his scent that smelt of pine and flowers it always seemed to calm me down we were now at my house i felt like someone was watching us but i didnt care he opened the door and carefully placed me down on the couch "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING" he paused waiting for my reply but i didnt say anything i was still debating something was he

"you could've got hurt or killed then i would have to fight them alone i-i'd be a-all alone like before we met" his voice was much softer now he sounded like he was about to break down so i pulled him closer to me and wrapped my arms around him my hands on the back of his head pulling him into my chest he started crying so i just held him there.

-------------------------------TIME SKIP-------------------------------------------------

Once he was asleep i went to my room and as soon as my head hit the pillow i fell into a deep sleep.


Jack's Pov 

I'm sitting in class talking to punzie but for some reason i feel really MAD but i dont know why i look around the room and i spot Elsa and i was about to approach her until another boy did he had dark messed up hair but i couldn't see his eyes but his face looked really sad until elsa came they started talking and laughing not even spearing me a glance like i wasn't even there so i decided to go talk to them. "Hey Elsa" she turned to look at me but then the boy next to her pulled her close and whispered something in her ear she giggled then the boy looked up at me his eyes were a deep paralyzing green he looked some what irratated wait i know this boy on his first day everyone was bullying him and punzie told me to kick him so i did it felt great that was the first time i'd ever done something like that it felt exhilarating i can still remember the feeling of adrenaline and power course through my veins why was Elsa hanging out with him and not me i'm her best friend so she should come sit next to me "Elsa come sit next to me" but i want to stay here" i felt very angry she would rather sit next to this looser fine by me i dont need her anyways"FINE SIT BY YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND"  i couldn't help it i felt like she just rejected me like she didn't want me well i don't need her either i stomped back over to my desk only it wasn't there i looked around I was at a park the park me and Elsa use to come to all the time i was all alone everyone walking past me like I was invisable then a boy a little older than me a 2 years tops sat next to me on the lonely swing set he said only 5 words "do you beleive in fairies?".

Then i woke up.

When i woke up i was sweating and my body felt tense. What was happening to me i quickly got out of my bed and had a shower the cold water soothing my burning skin.After i was done with that I decided to go for a walk I grabbed some black high tops and my blue hoodie. I walked the busy streets for a while the sun was slowly coming down I unknowingly walked to an old swing set i started pushing back and forth very slowly then i felt a prescence behind me I turned around to see if any one was there there was nothing but empty grass and the wind blowing furiously, i turned back around to see a boy with shaggy brown hair and a dark green hoodie he looked very familiar but i couldn't quite remember "hello frost, you probably dont remember me but you did me a favour a few years back but i want you to remember because i need your help" he reached into his jean pocket to get a tiny container "here swallow this and you'll remember once you do come  meet me at the spot  then we'll talk bussness" then he dissapered i looked at my hand and opened the small container inside it had a note and a pill the note said 

Do you beleive in fairies?

What did this mean then it hit me i said something simalar in that weird dream thing maybe this could help me i started walking home fighting with myself wondering if i should take it or not this could be the secreat to unlocking my memory or it could just be some weird pill and that could possibly kill me. Before I knew it I was already home as i entered an interesting smell hit my nose at first i thought it must've been my mom baking but then it hit me again making me want to gag i took cautiaus steps in the house "MOM ARE YOU HERE?" no answer thats weird i walked into the kitchen I looked down a red liquid stained the floor i now relised what the smell was it was BLOOD who did ths who would do this i kept on walking towards the lounge there laid my moms dead lifless body sprawled across the floor her head on the other side of the room blood still flowing freely from her neck i had to get out of here i couldn't stay here any longer but i couldn't move my eyes were glued to the scene in front of me, my fists tightened then i relised i was still holding that small container i opened the container observing the pill I put it in my hand hoping it would kill me just end it all,  my parents were both dead, Elsa hates me for something i cant even remember i'm alone and probably always will be. I swallowed the pill then a pain coursed through me starting at my feet then working its way up my body I dropped to the floor waiting for darkness to take over my vision just before i succumed to the darkness i heard someone rush into the house they screamed my name then I surrendered to death.




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