chapter 6

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this is back to where we left of from chapter 4 just saying

Jack POV

Pitch: and i won't tell you what you did cause if your that stupid to not even be able to look at your actions then i don't want to tell you.

Jack: what the hell then why did you tell me that thing

Pitch: cuz i felt like it but i'm kinda tired now

Jack: then go home

Pitch: i cant

Jack: why not?

pitch: elsa she ummm well kinda stole my bike....

Jack: what do you mean you have the keys in your hand

Pitch: yeah i have the keys in my hand not the bike .... plus did i mention elsa learnt at a young age how to start any engine by hand that bike would have been a piece of cake for her

Jack: do you want a ride

Pitch:hmmmm sure

jack and Pitch got in the car it was a silent awkuard trip then they got to pitch's house and elsa was standing there but before jack could come out pitch said

Pitch: don;t even think about i know you may like her but i like her more and she also came to see me so beat it .

i felt realy annoyed but for some reason i obeyed and went home but in the corner of my eye I could see elsa jump into pitch's arm i dont get it what did i do that question burned in my head for the rest of the night then i just remembered I LEFT PUNZIE ALONE AT THE PARTY DAMN ITi could go pick her up wait no she'll be fine i then went home got changed and went to sleep.

Elsa POV

i went to Pitchs house cuz i couldn't just take his bike and not give it back and about 20 minutes later i saw Pitch come out of this ice blue sports car and JACK of all people had to be here GOD why does he have to be here but then i saw pitch whisper something in his ear then he left i ran up to pitch and he gave me a big hug he smelt and looked really drunk but i guess he wasn't that bad i went into his place i looked around and of course pitch trips over i caught him

Elsa: hey pitch you ok

Pitch......ahhh i don't know

Elsa: i can go if you want i just wanted to give you your bike sooo yeah

Pitch: elsa d-do you tr-trust me?

Elsa: ofcourse i trust you

Pitch: you shouldn't

Elsa: why not

pitch then pulled me down onto the couch he was now on top of me Pitch: i-i love

and with that he fell asleep his face burried into my neck and our legs were all tangled to be honest i was to lazy to push him off i eventually dozed off

Pitch POV

i woke up but i could smell elsa i lifted my head to see elsa curled up in a ball and i was on the edge with my arms around i paniced and ended falling off the couch elsa let out a groan i then remembered what happened last night i mentally and phisically slapped myself why am i soo stupid i really do like elsa she gave me life she gave me more of a reason to live i will never forget it but i have a feeling that jack may also like elsa but just not relise it i mean elsa told me ALL about her child hood and to me jack sounded like he was totally in love with her so i'll have to reduce their contact which shouldn't be that hard cuz well elsa kinda hates his guts but anyways how am i gonna deal with the situation at hand my crush is sleeping on my couch and is totally unconcious what do i do, do i wait no i need to get out of here but this is my house she should leave but i cant wake her up she's so cute damn it i know i have rational thought in there somewhere hopefully fuck it i'm just gonna go back to sleep *falls asleep on floor*

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