Chapter 12

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Elsa POV
I woke up in a choke hold on the floor literally pitch was crushing me but I managed to get our of his grip he groaned and rolled over and was fine after that, I went to make me something to eat but the sad thing is that we haven't gone grocery shopping since last week I need food I threw on some jean shorts and a white crop top and black sneakers. I was walking down the street when some one pulled me into an alley way one of there hands were wrapped around my stomach and the other was on my mouth I tried moving but that didn't help me at all they just held me tighter then they span me around so I was now facing my attacker they now had me against the wall with there hand still over my mouth I knew this face all to well the signature green hat and deep brown eyes I felt his other hand go up by my neck there was a small amount of pain for a split second then darkness took over my vision.

Jack POV
Darkness was all I could see there was nothing then a door appered I decided to open it. I was in a familiar hall way I looked around abit lockers covering the walls but beside that it was completley empty i walked around for a bit till i could hear loud screams so i walked towards them and i came to a stop my body froze up standing there was a boy with white hair and sparkling blue eyes and a girl with platnim blonde hair and electric blue eyes. "Elsa" i went to talk to her but she couldnt hear me she was talking to past jack wait i thought elsa moved away when she was 12 she DOES NOT look 12 here hmmmm they walked away jugding by my situation i am going to have to follow them aren't i dammit i dont want to watch past jack he was an idiot i remember when i had a crush on elsa and all my hopeless atempts of flirting they were horrible, guess i'll have to endure it. Why are they walking in silence c'mon jack make the atmosphere more well less awkuard i turned my head away for a split second and they were gone damit i carried on walking to find a classroom i opened it to see elsa sitting in the corner at the back of the room by herself so i thought i'd go sit by her then i looked up to see past me sitting at the front of the room leaning back on the window talking to a girl with short brown hair and green inocent eyes what the hell why isn't he sitting next to elsa, i looked down to see elsa drawing snowflakes all across the page then a snow man , an ice castle and then she started drawing a boy i think and a girl making another snow man oh real cute elsa past me started walking over here finally you were sitting over there for a while "hey snow looser" WHAT THE HELL I WANT TO KILL HIM RIGHT NOW I WANT TO RIP OUT HIS VOCAL CORDS SO HE CAN NEVER SPEAK AGAIN CALM JACK CALM calm okay wow elsa didnt even notice she is still drawing wow that looks really good "hey looser i'm talking to you" "oh hi jack" she said with a big toothy grin why is she so happy he just called her a looser she should be crying or something? "why are you smiling didnt you just hear me call you a looser?" guess past jack was thinking the same thing "well it did make me a little sad but jacks my best friend so he dosnt mean it" i want this elsa the other elsa scares me god your so lucky past jack you dont know how good you have it. elsa's smile was the last thing i saw everything melted away into nothing and i was back at the dark abyss but this time there were to doors i went into the other one this time i wonder what dream this one will show me?

Pitch POV 

When i woke up i expected elsa to be there but instead it was me and my pillow oh she must already be up i stood up and grabbed some jeans and made my way to the kitchen i opened the fridge to find a note 

Hi pitch i just went to get some food as you can see we have none and im hungry so see you soon

.p.s can you make sure snow dooshe is okay thanks byee ♥♥♥

.............................. s-she left a heart at the end does that mean no that dosn't mean anything she just felt like drawing hearts today yeah i wonder when shes gonna come back she'll be fine in the mean time i'm gonna go back to sleep goodnight world.

i'm sorry it took so long i had to rewrite it because the chapter deleted it self and i was to lazy to write it all over again i'm sorry but here it is guys and thanks to all the people who are deciding to read this ummm i guess this is bye for now *waves and high fives audience* yep thats right you just got high fived we basically hugged :P

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