Beautiful Creature

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Niall's POV:

"beep, beep, beep, beep"

My eyes fluttered open at the sound of the alarm clock. My body was reluctant to move but my arm gain the strength to reach over and press the snooze button on the clock. I rested my hand eyes back down to my side and closed my eyes again. The warm sun shining through the window felt like it was burning a whole threw my eyelids.

I turned my body towards the ceiling letting out a big sigh realizing it was the first day of the new school year. It was like the first day of school all over again.

"I was starting a new chapter in my life." as my mom told me the night before. It was actually my first day of high school. I cringed at the words.

Starting over, a new place, new teachers, new people. I wasn't the one to voluntary change things, I like to keep them in a steady routine. This was far from what i was used to.

I heard my room door slam open, still yet to open my eyes I buried my face in the pillow. "Rise and shine, Nially poo." My mom said as she pulled the blankets from on top of me. I groaned at the feeling of cold air against my body. She sat on the edge of my bed, making my body roll towards her.

"It's time to get up." She started shaking me. So i gave in, I opened my eyes and sat up."You excited for your first day of high school?"

"Not really." I said bluntly. but it was the truth. I'm not excited to be around smelly teachers and kids with fucked up attitudes, I really did not want to go to school. but what choice do i have. I'm a 16 year old with the education of a eight grader. I had to go if I wanted any chance of any kind of future.

I stood up and walked to my bathroom. "I'm gonna get ready now." I closed the door and started my shower. I heard my mom get up and leave out my room, slamming the door behind her.

I know she didn't deserve that kind of treatment from me but I gave it to her anyways. I wasn't really angry with mom, I was angry with my dad, my dad. The ass-wipe who kept me in his hell hole for most of my life.

My parents divorced when I was only 6. I lived with my dad up until a couple of months ago.

My mom thought I should be raised my a male figure. Someone who could teach me how to be a man, and teach me manly things, and help me with manly problems. But my dad didn't raise me at all, if anything I was taking care of him.

He was a coke addict and brought home different women every night, banging them senseless.  Not caring  if i was In the room next to them. He got many women pregnant and I have lots of half brothers and sisters. They would come in and out of me and my dads apartment because most of time my dad shared custody of the kids with there mom. Some would stay long than others. As far as I knew I had 8 half brothers and 14 half sisters. As far as i knew.

My dad was finally arrested a few months ago, after one of his baby momma's turned him in for use of drugs around her child. So my mom welcomed me into her home with open arms. Which she didn't have to and I took for granted so much. It was just me and her in this big two-story house.

I did realize the I needed to stop treating my mother the way I did, but I just didn't feel like doing it. I took my anger from the wrongs things my did, out on my mom. The sad part is, She knew that, so she didn't do anything about it.

After I was finished with my shower I slipped on my clothes. Black denim jeans, with a white polo and red converse. I really didn't do anything with my hair, just brushed it up a little.

As I walked out of my room from upstairs I made a right turn to the staircase. When i got to the first floor of the house, the smell of toast and eggs ran through my nose, making my eyes water a bit.

"You want some breakfast?" my mom said it in a shaky tone as if she thought i would snap at her for asking me for some breakfast. "Sure." i tired to smile a little.

"Come sit." oh shit, I know she wants to talk to me now. I wasn't really the type to like conversation. -anti-social if you must- I pulled out a chair at the kitchen bar and took a seat. She sat a plate of toast and eggs with sausage in front of me. "eat up."

With that I scarfed down the food as fast as I could and tried to avoid making eye contact or say anything.

"Well, I'm off to work, don't forget to lock up everything before you leave." I just nodded and continued eating.

When I had 30 minutes before first bell I decided I better get going. I grabbed my backpack, which only contained a few pieces of paper and a unsharpened pencil, An locked up like my mom asked and headed on my way.

I only lived about 3 or 4 blocks away from the school, Nolan ville high school. It took me about 10 minutes of slow, undesired walking before I got to the front steps of the school. No one really eyed me down. Which for some reason i was expecting.

There was a long line at the registers office, so I stood at the back of the line patiently like a good kid. Instead of cutting to the front, which is what i was really tempted to do. I stood there for 2 minutes, 3 minutes... then 4. The line didn't seem to move once. I was about to jump out of line and yell "WHAT HELL IS TAKING SO GOD DAMN LONG?!"

but a hand brushed past my thigh. As a reflex I slapped my hand back as hard as I could but the hand was already gone. I turned around to see a very tall curly haired boy looking at me. "sorry, it slipped."

Harry's POV:

I stood in front of him mesmerised by his gorgeous blue eyes. I noticed my mouth was open so I closed it quickly closed it. "Sorry, it slipped." He just turned back around. I was disappointed and relieved at the same time. I was surprised at how taken aback I was by the looks of the boy.

I know my sexuality to myself was uncertain. I had, had girlfriends in the past, but also boyfriends. I was so confused but all I knew was that boy, right there, about a foot in front of me, was the most beautiful creature I had ever layed eyes on.

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