It's You, Why me

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Hey guys, I just wanted to say thanks for reading my story, it means a lot. This is gonna be a rather long chapter, and the POV swtiches around a lot so play attention! Please vote and comment. I love to know what you guys think. thanks - Nani xx


Niall's POV:

Me and Harry sat on the love seat and chatted all night long. It was about 10:00 when Liam's guess started to leave, but neither me or Harry moved from our spot. Not once to get something to drink or eat, or even go to the bathroom.

After the last few guess had left it was just me, Harry and Liam of course.

"Ohhhhhhh" I grunted as Liam took a seat on my lap with his legs across Harry's thighs.

"What are you two talking about?" Liam winked. I smiled and looked at Harry. His expression wasn't what I was expecting though. His eyes were wide and skin, pale.

"Nothing" Harry said and shot a glare at Liam. I figured they needed to talk about something.

"I'm gonna go get something to eat." I said scooting from up under Liam. I went to the Kitchen and grabbed a slice of cake. I heard Harry and Liam chat quietly amongst themselves. Then I remembered what Liam had told me, in class. One of his friends likes me and that he was gonna be hear tonight.

But Liam hadn't introduced me to anybody. I quickly threw my plate and plastic utensil in the trash. When I walked into the living room, it was silent and Liam looked up at me in the same spot I had left him in, Harry was nowhere to be found.

"Where's Harry?" I asked. Liam's lips began to crease a smile.

"He's....... he's using the restroom." oh OK simple enough.

"So remember in class you told me one of your friends liked me and he would be at this party?" The smirk on is face became a full on grin.

"Yeah" He said in a cheeky tone. My eyes grew wide and there was a knot in my throat.

I swallowed.

"It's not you, is it?" I said looking at the bathroom door hoping Harry would come out to interrupt this awkward moment.

"Ew, no" he said wrinkling his nose in discuss, but a few seconds later his face turned to a smile. "I like girls."

"Oh, OK..... Then who is it?" My heart sunk when I realized that the guy wans't here anymore, everyone had already left.

"Let's go outside" He said taking my arm, leading me to the back door. His backyard was really nice, just like the rest of the house. We took a seat on the patio in comfortable lawn chairs next to each other.

"It's Harry" he said. My breathe hitched and my mouth started to water. Harry likes me.

"Harry...... as in Harry...... the one using your bathroom right now?" I was in shock. Harry was gay. It didn't seem like it.

"Yep" Liam said, my eyes shifted from Liam's face to Harry's as he walked towards us with nothing but swim trunks on. I stared at him. Not sure what was suppose to happen next. but god he's gorgeous.

Harry's POV:

When Niall left the room to get something to eat, Liam said he had a plan. He sent me to his room to put on some swim trunks. I slipped my shirt off and then my pants. Looking at myself in the mirror. "I look gross" I said to myself brushing over some of the bruises my dad had left me over the years.

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