Are You Ready?

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Harry's POV:

After that morning in the police station. Everything had been settled out, My dad was to be incarcerated for 5 months, with 6 months of parol. Liam's mom made me get a restraining order against my dad, He can not come with in 30 yards of me. Niall and I started going back to school after missing almost a week. We got a C- on our project. Niall stopped spending the night at Liam's house and went back to his own. His mom was not to happy, turns out Niall never informed his mom where he was or what he was doing. So now he's grounded, and only let out of the house for school, so finding time to be with him is kinda difficult.

"Hey sexy boy." Niall cooed while taking a seat next to me on the ground. "Hey." The roof is the only place where Niall and I can be alone. I mean really alone, to the point that we can show PDA. Controlling myself around him in school was getting harder, he seemed to be getting hotter by the day. "When are you gonna be off groundation?" He slid closer to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "I don't know. My mom was seriously pissed about that whole thing."

"Did you try to explain to her what happened?" I didn't really want other people to know about my dad, but if him telling his mom wold make time for me to see him more often then I don't care. "Yes. She thought I was lying." He looked straight faced at me and sighed. "Why would someone lie about that?" I shook my head. "I'm not sure but, she's convinced I'm lying. Maybe you should try and talk to her, she might believe you."

"You think she will?" I asked. I haven't really talked to Niall's mom in a way, that she would believe me over him. "Most Likely." He nodded his head, and then let out an evil smile. "You should walk me home after school, so you can talk to her." He shook my arm excitedly. The invitation roamed around in my mind a bit as we continued eating our lunch. When we finished, I stood and helped Niall up.

"Meet me after school, by the front courtyard, I'll walk you home." He almost choked on the food he was still chewing in his mouth as he jumped on me and said "Tank youb!" I laughed and rubbed his back gently. "No problem."

The end of the day came faster than expected and the walk to Niall's house was even quicker. I didn't realize he lived so close to the school. He took he's keys out of his pocket and put in the lock, "Sorry if it's a mess, haven't had time to clean up." He pushed the door open with a struggle. I walked in and behind the door there was a pile of clothes. "Niall, this is ridiculous." He closed the door behind him as walked pass me to the stair case. "Come on." He shook his head. I followed him up to his room. It wasn't as tidy as I remember the first time.

"Where's your mom?" I hadn't heard a noise since I walked in besides me and Niall's foot steps. "She's not home yet. She won't be home till nine." I looked around and nodded. "So what are we gonna do for five hours, until she gets here." Niall plopped down on his bed and patted the space next him. "Whatever you had in mind." He shot me a cheeky smile and wiggled his eyebrows. He didn't mean. No. He couldn't.

I took a seat on the edge of his bed and took off my shoe's. He moved down the bed, taking a seat behind me and rubbing his hands over my back occasionally squeezing my shoulders making me relax. He wrapping his arms around my stomach, and I winced a little bit a the pain in my side. He immediately pulled away. "I'm sorry." I stood up and went to the head of the bed and sat down. "It's fine Niall." He stood up and took a seat of the other side of the bed."How are you feeling? You know without your dad and stuff? Do you miss him?"

"Yeah" I spoke quietly, I really wasn't thinking about him up until this point. "I own you, Zayn and Liam my life. You guys want the best for me, but I was to stupid to see that, but I see it now. . . Thanks for that." He smiled lovingly at me, and moved deeper into the bed. "We're not having sex Niall." I spoke abruptly and his motion stopped. He face fell, but a small grinned was plastered on a moment after. "Please?" His motion towards me started again and he put out a pouting lip. I fake gasped "Niall, I am not that kind of girl. We're not even dating!"

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