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Harry's POV:

It was dark and I was cold and exhausted. I ran for 10 minutes straight, I didn't look back or stop, which is ridiculous cause I kinda knew my dad wasn't following me but I was scared.

When I finally stopped at the end of a block, I noticed the street name and sigh looked familiar. Where have I this this before? This isn't Niall's neighborhood and zayn lives across town. . . . . Liam! This is Liam's street. Which one is his house? I had to dig deep in my memory to remember which house is Liam's. The red brink with a garden in front.

I ran to the house without giving it a second look and rang the doorbell a million times until someone answered.

ding dong ding dong ding dong.

"Who is it?!" A female voice called from the other side of the door, sounding a bit annoyed.

"Harry, one of Liam's friends!" I said trying to look through the peephole from outside the door. The door swung open.

"Oh, hi I'm Mrs.Payne, Liam's mom" she said a little more cheerful now. It feels like Ive been through this whole routine already, meeting Liam's mom.

"uh, oh. . . . hi, can I speak to Liam?" It seemed like she was trying to strike up a conversation with me and that definitely not what I wanted. I trying to hard to keep my composer, if front of her. "Sure he's in his room. LIAAAMMM!!!, a friend of yours is here!" she yelled as she lead me across the living room to a hallway in front of a big white door. I knocked on it lightly

"Liam, it's Harry." The  door opened, and the sadness in my eyes must have beamed through because his face automatically became sympathetic. "Hey. . . .H- Harry? whats wrong?" He took my shoulder and lead me inside his room. I sat on the bed and put my face in my hands, finally letting out the streams of liquid I had been holding back.

"Harry?" I looked up from my hands, my vision was blurred from crying but, I couldn't control my mouth, explaining everything that happened.

"And then I asked him to be my valentine and he said yes. So I invited him to dinner and I didn't think my dad would be home till late but, he came home early this time and caught me and Niall kissing and. . . . .  and. . . . . . h-he tried to. . . . . . . . .  abuse me. So I ran away and now I'm here Liam please you have to help me please."

I broke down again and cried. I hadn't showed this much emotion in my entire life, I was always strong for myself and my dad. It actually feels really nice. . . . to vent about my feelings.

Suddenly there was a hand on my head and Liam looked at me sorrowfully. "Harry. . .  you have to tell someone."

TELL SOMEONE!! WHAT IS HE THINKING! they will arrested my dad and take me away from him forever. "LIAM NO! I can't He's the only person I have in the whole world, I can 't have him taken from I just can't.

"Harry the way he treats you. . . it- its not right. . . he needs to pay for what he's done to you." I hadn't realized that I had no shirt on. Liam can see all of my bruises and is eyeing them quite hard. "No person should be treated the way you have."

"Liam, you don't understand! I have no one if he's taken away from me. no one. They will put me in a child care place or even worst a mental hospital! I'll go crazy Liam!" He just doesn't understand, it's starting to make me angry, I thought he would listen to me and understand.

"Harry thats not true you have other people what about me? and Niall? Harry what about Niall, that boys is crazy for you. Harry you can live with me. My mom is really understanding, you can tell her the whole situation and she won't turn him in, come on, lets go talk to her." I was really reluctant to move from my spot on Liam's bed but, I guess he's kinda right.

As long as my dad doesn't get turned in and I can live with Liam I guess it would be sorta ok. "O-OK" Liam cosed me up being careful not rush me, we slowly made it to the living where he's mom sat watching TV.

"Mom can me and Harry, talk to you?" Liam sounded almost as nervous as I am. I hope this works. "Um Mrs.Payne. . . . for the past couple of years my dad. . . . ."

After about an hour of explaining and 'sorrys' and 'thank yous' I was allowed to stay at Liam's house for as long as I liked. I didn't mention to her the part where my dad doesn't know I'm staying here, but I'm sure he wol't be to worried.

"I have a pull out mattress you can sleep on, tomorrow after school we can go by your house to get some clothes, will you're dad be home?" Liam said already pulling out the mattress. "I don't know."

"Well hopefully not, but were going either way. You should probably call Niall and let him know your ok." He said Tossing me my phone. I Dialed his number. Oh jeus, what am I gonna say? my dad tried making me suck his dick or should I be more subtle, before I had time to think the phone stopped ringing and Niall was on the other line.



Oh my gosh Harry, thank god your OK, after what you told me I was for sure Your dad was gonna like beat you or something.

Uh, yeah, uh, no, I'm fine Niall. Just hearing his angelic voice made me feel better, knowing that he is here from me. And there's actually some one who cares.

Good. Where are you now?

I'm at Liam's house. Ill be staying here-

I'm on my way!

He hung up before I could say anything else. "What did he say?" Liam questioned. "He's coming over." About 10 minutes of anxious waiting passed and finally Niall was here.

He barged in the room without even knocking, "HARRY!" I was already sitting on the floor so he came and crashed his body all over mine so we both fell backwards. "Thank god your ok." He said snuggling his face into my neck, still laying on top of me. "Yeah" I stroked his back calmly until he fell asleep.

I picked him up lightly and placed him on the pull out  mattress. "Can he stay?" I asked Liam with my most puppy dogish eyes. "Yeah, of course."

YES!, tonight I get to sleep with Niall. I couldn't call him my boyfriend yet, things are complicated. I'm not sure if I should ask him or wait till he asks me, although it would probably take him forever to ask me. I don't wanna pressure him, but I want us to make progress in our relationship. ugh Idon't know what to do!

I Lay-ed down silently next to Niall making sure not to make to much movement on the bed. I faced him bringing him closer into my arms so I could just stare at his face. His breathing was so calm and peaceful. "Harry?" He suddenly said, his eyes weren't open and his voice was barely a whisper. "yes?"

"Are you just gonna stare at me like that all night?" I giggled a  bit at his remark because If he hadn't woken up I probably would've. "Sorry."

"It's fine." He shifted to push his body closer to mine but turned around so I could see his face anymore. Kinda in a spooning position. "Good night Niall." The only reply I got was little snores.

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