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Hey guys sorry its taking me so long to update. I've been really busy and havn't had time to be writing, sorry. Also Ive been trying to study other fanfics to get some inspiration, because I've been having writers block. You guys please comment and tell me what you like about the story and what you don't I'm always looking for feed back. Once I put this chapter up the next one should be out before the 11th (monday). Thanks - Nani. xx


Niall's POV:

I couldn't wait to get to Spanish class today. After harry just ran out like that, I wonder what happened. I understand he was late for curfew but he didn't even say bye.

Harry left me confused with myself. I'm not gay but I truly have feelings for Harry. What kind of feelings? I'm not sure yet, but I spent my whole weekend thinking. Thinking about how he looked so attractive in those shorts, how I couldn't keep my eyes off of his bare chest. He made me just wanna jump in his arms and stay there forever.

When I walked in Spanish class harry was sitting at his usual desk, I planned on sitting back in my normal spot, next to him but, there was a backpack in the chair. I guess someone already claimed that seat, oh well.

"Niall" Harry called for me to come over.

"Hey, Harry. Who's sitting right there?" I asked pointing to the seat next to him.

"You" He said smiling up at me. He grabbed the backpack and set it down next him, taking out a pencil.

"I saved it for you" he grinned. I couldn't stop myself from blushing. He's so sweet.

"Thanks" I said sitting down. "You didn't have to save this chair for me, you know"

"I know, but I wanted to" I felt my stomach flip at his words. He's so lovely.

When the bell rang, Mrs. Rocha had started her lesson about some Spanish holiday, I wasn't listening though. I couldn't keep my eyes off of harry. He made me have feelings I never experienced in my life, he made me so happy. I think, I think I like him.

"Niall, you'll be partnered with Harry." Mrs. Rocha said setting down a piece of paper on my desk with foreign language written all over it.

I looked at Harry to fill me in on the lesson I just missed. ((Project)), he mouthed. I smiled, relieved that he was my partner.

"I think you'll need my number." he said pulling out a sheet of paper for his bag.

"Oh yeah..... right, for the project."

"Yeah" he said with a sly smile

 "Can I borrow a pen?" he asked. I tossed a pen to him, but it flew right pass his hand and landed on the floor behind him. I noticed the smile on his face turned to a frown.

"Sorry" I said. I watched as he held the side of his stomach. He reached down ever so slowly to get the pen. He winced, as he picked up the pen from the floor. Somethings not right, Hiss entire mood had changed from pleasant to pain, that fast.

"Harry...... what's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing." he said with a slight smile, handing me the piece of paper he wrote his number on.

"When is the project due?" I asked him. He looked at me, eyes glowing and a half crooked smile.

"Next Monday, did you pay attention at all, during the lesson?"

"No,..... I was to busy staring at you. My jaw jolted up immediately realizing what I had said. I saw Harry blush and glance at me intently.

"So your making this my fault, you don't pay attention in class." he said with a cute smirk on his face.

"Well, If you weren't so darn adorable then maybe I could." He chuckled lightly. The blush on his face becoming a darker shade of red.

"Oh......, sorry" he said, facing away from me. I don't think he wanted me to see how much the compliment had meant to him, but I did.

"Did you wanna come over?...... to work on the project" I really wasn't sure if my mom would be ok with me inviting somebody to the house, I hadn't asked her but I don't care.

Harry looked really shocked, like deer in the headlights look on his face.

"Um....... harry." I said waving my hand in front of his face.

"Um....... erm...... I..... d-don't..... know- sure" He managed the stutter out. He looked scared and surprised and happy at the same time.

":Are you sure your OK?" I asked laughing a bit.

"Yeah, yeah.... tonight?"

"Yeah, the project is due next week. We should get most of it done before other teachers give us more assignments.

"Right OK yeah tonight."

"I'll text you my address"



At lunch me and Liam chatted in a different place from usual. We decided to sit in the courtyard at the front of the school since some other people had taken our usual lunch table.

I almost chocked on my milk when I saw a familiar curly head sitting across the courtyard. I elbowed Liam in his side, making him spit up the food that was in his mouth.

"Oh my god, Liam, is that harry?" I said pointing at the other table.

After Liam had gathered his composture back, he spoke. "Yeah, I think so"

"Oh, I didn't know he had lunch the same time as us."

"Me neither" Liam agreed. I was thinking of going to eat with him but then I thought about Liam, I would basically be ditching him, plus Harry was already at a full table with his friends

I was eating my lunch facing Harry, hoping he would turn around and notice me staring at him, but he never did.

"You like him" Liam said hitting my shoulder lightly with a smile. I couldn't say I did but I really couldn't say I didn't. I just smirked at him. "Shut up"

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