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Harry's POV:

I felt my heart rate increasing and it started to get very hot in that line. My eyes roamed his backside for what felt like forever.

I built up the courage to tape him on his shoulder. Great. Why did I do that, I had nothing to say.All my joints in that split second tensed up. I was so nervous. Why?

I watched him shuffle his feet to the right, not seeming in a hurry at all, until he had made a semi- circle and was now completely facing me.

"Hi...... I'm Harry." I croaked out, trying not to sound nervous. He stood there silent for a good 30 seconds, just eyeing me down, finally he spoke.

"Niall" he said in a serious tone.

I slapped myself mentally, wishing I hadn't taped his shoulder.I just stared at him. He's so beautiful. He spoke again.

"Are you new to this school?" this time sounding a little less harsh.

"No, I've been going here since 9th, you?"

"Yeah, I'm in 9th."

He's in 9th grade? 9th? He doesn't look like a 14 year old. He has stubble on his chin.

Shit. I just got the hots for a 9th grader. Ugh, I'm a pedophile

He eyed me up and down again. I blush a bit. What is he looking at?

"Oh, I'm in 11th." not sure where this conversation was going.

As if he read my mind, he blurted out "I'm 16 ,though."

"Why are you 16 in the 9th grade?" I immanently regret-ed letting that sentence out of my out when I saw his eyes flinch and mouth drop. Oops non of my business.

Niall's POV:

"NEXT" I heard the register desk lady yell in front of me. I'm already at the front of the line. Ignoring Harry's question I moved forward and told the lady my first and last name and my ID number. "Niall Horan" "N- I- A -L - L" "199943"

She handed me my schedule. I turned away quickly, trying not to make eye contact with harry. I succeeded.

That was strange, I thought to myself as I started towards my locker and read my schedule quietly to myself. I wasn't taking any AP classes but one advanced class. Since my aunt's husband was Mexican he spoke a little Spanish and i caught on pretty quick. At my last school they offered Spanish 1 as an elective so I took it. My Spanish class, last year, was the most fun I ever had in school. Mostly because my teacher was shit and barely taught anything but I still passed the class with a B+ average.

This year I was gonna be taking Spanish 2 ~ Since 2 years of a foreign language is a requirement to graduate~ might as well take it sooner than later.Even though I was gonna be in a class with students in a higher grade then me..... great.


I walked in my first class and took a seat in the back of the room. The desk were widely spred out in rows, there weren't many students in that class, only about 12.

When the teacher began his first day of school rant and i heard how monotoned he's voice was I dozed off in a light sleep.

The sound of the bell ringing for class to be over didn't startled me. I'm use to sleeping in class and waking up to that noise. I looked at my schedule and set off looking for my next class.

I felt weird when I walked in I was the first one in class. (Since my 1st and 2nd period are right across the hall from each other.) I decided I wouldn't sit in the back for this class. For some reason I liked Spanish. I chose a seat right smack middle of the room.

"Hey Niall" I looked up from my head on desk. It was the guy I met earlier today in the registration line. "Oh.... hey" I couldn't recall his name. He came and took a seat next to me. "Harry" I blushed a little, he knew I forgot his name. Harry. Okay Niall don't forget.

"What are you doing in Mrs.Rocha's class?" He asked. I thought it was a weird question.

"Suppose to be learning Spanish like the rest of you." I said looking around the classroom seeing more  students came in filling up almost all the seats.

"Buenos dias clase"

"Buenos dias" the entire class echoed back... except me.

As class went on I started to like it more and more, I could tell Mrs. Rocha was gonna be funny and relaxed teacher. Thank God. When she got done with her first day of school speech she let us have the rest of class to do as we pleased.

Harry's POV:

I looked over at Niall. He had his arms folded with his head buried in them. "Niall" I called his name really quite. He poked his head up out of his arms and looked at me in confusion.

I just ignored the look. "Why are you in Spanish 2?"

"I took Spanish 1 last year." He rested his head back into his still folded arms. I felt shunned. I guess he doesn't wanna talk to me.

The rest of the day went by fast. I had the same kids I had known for the last two years in my classes again. No new people, except for Spanish. And geometry i met a cool Freshman (9th grader), Liam.


"Dad?" I waited a few seconds for him to respond , than again I called "Dad?!" nothing. I guess he wasn't home. Good.

I sat my bag on the kitchen counter and opened the frig to look for something to eat.

I felt a strong figure grab my waist and pull me backwards. "How was school kid?" My dads breath smelled badly of alcohol. "Good" I said removing myself from his hands.

He grabbed wrist and spun me around, now I was facing him. "Give your dad a kiss."

Yuck I thought. but leaned in with my lips perked tight. My dad was a lot bigger and stronger than me and he knew it to.

Ever since my mom died my dad has been drinking himself to death, almost. Also abusing me, emotionally, physically, and sexuality.

My father was messed up in the head though. I didn't want to further the damage so I always did what he told me to. He would get very violent if I didn't.

He pushed his lips to mine, the taste of alcohol was unbearable. I felt his tongue lick my bottom lip. SHIT. I knew what he wanted.

I opened my mouth. The taste and smell was just to discussing. I pulled away from the kiss and out of his hands. My dad stared at me with wide eyes.

"Did you just pull away from me?"

"I have homework." I tried to change the subject.

"On the first day of school?"

"Yeah" I grabbed my bag and rush passed him to my room and locked the door behind me.

My mom died from lung cancer when I was only 10. Me and my dad both got through it, he even remarried. but when his second wife left him he turned to alcohol for emotional support.

One day my dad and I got in a argument about his drinking habits. He stormed out of the house, drunk as ever, and got in a car crash.He had a lot of brain damage but he got better.

After the crash he was never the same though. Now, hes always mad and drunk and abusive.

I just got used to it, I didn't wanna turn him in cause then I would be put in a orphanage even though I'm almost a grown adult. And plus the accident was mostly my fault. If i hadn't started the argument with him he would have never....

I love my dad, even though he treats me like shit. Literally.


Cry on top of the world - Narry Storanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن