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Harry's POV:

The car ride to the hospital was silent, nobody said a word. I couldn't even look at zayn, or Niall, or Liam. I feel so guilty, if I would've of never asked Liam to asked Zayn to come, this wouldn't have happened. But I just had to be selfish and because I was scared to face my dad I put other people in harm's way.

When we arrived to the hospital Liam signed Zayn in and it only took about 15 to get Zayn a room to be examined. Liam sat on the far end of the waiting room, away from me and Niall. Niall sat with me, on a double seated couch.

"Harry, it's not your fault. Your dad did this, not you." Niall said rubbing my back. I couldn't help but let a few tears drop from my eyes. Even though what Niall said was right, I still, in my mind, I believed this was all my fault. It was my fault Zayn got hurt, It's my fault my dad is crazy, It's my fault for letting him abuse me all these years and never saying or doing anything about it. It's all my fault.

"Harry" Niall breathed, I hadn't realize how close to me he'd gotten. His face was only millimeters from mine. He took my face in both his palms and wiped my almost dried up tears. "What's the matter baby?" His soft words made me smile a bit, and I leaned into the grip he had on my face. "I'm so weak." I sighed. Niall took my face and layed it on his chest wrapping his arm around my shoulder and side.

"Harry Styles, your one of the strongest people I have ever met. If anyone is weak it's me. I haven't been through half the stuff you have and yet, I still feel like my life is 100 times harder than yours. We both know that's not true. Your my rock. You help me through my hard times, when really you need help through yours, I'm so selfish." I shook my head and sat up next to him.

"I'm strong for you, Niall. You don't think you help me but every time I catch a glimpse of that Precious smile you have, I feel one thousand times better." Saying that made him blush. Such a breath taking sight. "God damn. . .  . . Your beautiful." I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers. His blush deepened, as he looked down to the ground. I took his chin and tilted his head up.

I'm not sure of he could see it in my eye's, but the feeling of love was flowing through my veins. "Can I kiss you?" I asked in a whisper so only he could hear. We're in a public place  and I know he's not ready to come out but it was late and the waiting room was thinning down. It was just me, him, Liam and a few old ladies in wheelchairs. He looked around, then laughed a little, nodding his head.

I took the back of his head caressing his hair in my hand, and pressed my lips gently against his. He took his hands and wrapped them around my neck, and I felt him smile into the kiss. I wished I could've pulled away just see him smile.

"Guardian's of Zayn mal-lick!" A nurse called out. Me and Niall imedaitely stopped our kiss, reluctantly. Liam stood up at the other side of the waiting room, heading towards the nurse. Me and Niall stood up and hesitantly made our way to her as well. I'm not sure If Liam is upset with me. He hasn't made eye contact or spoke to me since we got here, but him being mad at me is the last thing I need right now.

"Follow me." She lead us down a wide spread hallway. Niall stood by me the whole time, Liam on the other side of Niall. We walked  into the room where they were holding Zayn. Thank god, he was sitting up and clearly awake and attentive. He smiled as we all piled in the room. "Zayn is fine. A couple of bruises here and there all over his body but other than that he is fine. He will be able to leave tonight."

You could hear the whole room sigh, even Zayn. "Zayn, I'm so sorry, I really didn't know if he was gonna be there and that he was gonna do that, I really am truly sorry." I almost choked on my own words. Zayn laughed light heartily, "It's fine, Harry." I sighed and sat down on the couch in the room, Niall sat beside me. "We're all glad your ok, Zayn." Niall said.

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