Chapter 2 - My Stalker

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Shaurya ——————————————

Shaurya parked his car and got out wincing as his sore muscles protested. He cursed his trainer again and wished that all his pain and suffering would be transferred to him. As he walked to the elevator slowly  he imagined the multiple and possibly illegal ways of torturing his trainer. As he walked in behind a girl staring at her phone. He pressed the key to his floor and settled behind her waiting for her to press for her level. She looked up quickly and looked down at her phone again. Shaurya was about to ask her what her floor was when his eyes fell on her phone screen. She was watching his show. He couldn't really see her face because her long hair was blocking it. From the way she was behaving it seemed as if her eyes were glued to the screen. He shook his head and decided to wait until she turned around to surprise her. He pressed the button for the doors to close and the elevator moved.

At a particularly funny scene where Karan is trying to convince The bus driver come back and pick up Deba for a seminar. She started laughing. Shaurya couldn't help but smile. He never got to witness a fan watching the show. It was a pleasure for sure. He was glad she didn't know he was in the elevator and he hoped she didn't. When his floor came. He moved quickly out of the elevator and headed to his apartment.  Surprisingly the girl followed. She must have not realized what floor she was on. Finally he decided to intervene.
"Umm excuse me. I think you are on the wrong floor".

She just ignored him and moved towards the door across from his. Shaurya decided to just wait and see what she does when she can't open the door. This whole situation was amusing to him. To his own surprise she fished out her keys from her purse and not only opened the door but went inside and locked it shut. He stood there for a few minutes in surprise. Clearly he was the stupid one making  assumptions about her. He quickly opened his door and went inside. His new neighbor was a fan, of the show atleast. It was not good to assume she was a fan of his.  It will be interesting to see how she reacts to knowing he lives across from her.

Anokhi ———————————————————

The same day Anokhi had agreed to meet some work friends at a popular Thai restaurant. She was not a huge fan of Thai food but just decided to go with the flow. The five of them decided to meet up at the restaurant. Surprisingly Anokhi realized that it was just 15 mins away.

At the restaurant they grabbed a table in the back just in case the drinking went crazy.  Soon everyone started drinking and enjoying their foods. As it inevitably with a group of friends stories start to come out. A mixture of funny, embarrassing and family. As the drinks started to get better of them. Atul decided to play a game - truth or shot.

Anokhi  didn't particularly like the game but she was also only on her 2nd drink and the others were past their 5 drinks. They all agreed to play. In the game each person had to rapidly answer questions. If you look more than 10 seconds. You had to take a shot if you lied you had to take a shot. If you don't answer you have to take a shot. A few rounds went by fine. All simple but a little embarrassing questions. On the 5th round when it was anokhi's turn. Atul asked her about a guy she has a crush on. Without thinking Anokhi said Shaurya Saberwal. Instantly the other two girls started gushing about Shaurya too. Luckily for Anokhi it took the attention of her. The two guys just rolled their eyes not understanding the fuss. However both did agree that Ishika, Shaurya's co lead was worth talking about.

As fate would have it. Anokhi heard a commotion at the front of the restaurant. There were people gathered around a table in the front. They saw two girls from the crowd come towards the back near where their table was.  Atul went to ask them what was the commotion about. When he came back to the table he had a big smile on his face.

"Looks like it's your lucky day Anokhi. Shaurya Saberwal is at this restaurant. He is having dinner with a friend. "

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