Chapter 8 - Frustrated

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Anokhi looked up from her laptop and saw that Shaurya had messaged her. She smiled automatically as she replied.

"Are you making it ?😊"

"Let's not burn down the house. I was thinking of ordering. Mexican?"

" I was planning on making Mexican tonight. So how about you just come over?"

"I can read minds you know 😎"

"Hmm okay we will see how good you are at reading minds tonight"

"Anytime 😊"

"How's your shooting going?"

"It's good. Will be home in 2 hours."

"Okay. Will prep for dinner"

"Bye 😚"

Anokhi smiled at it emoji and placed the phone away without a reply. After 5 mins she got a text again.

"You know boyfriend and girlfriend kiss right? Since you didn't give the emoji kiss I will take a in person one tonight"

Anokhi smiled at his behavior.

"Bye 🤪"

In her haste to reply to him she pressed the wrong emoji. She mentally face palmed herself.  Of course she would be the idiot that sent the wrong emoji. She waited to see what his reply would be when he didn't reply to her she thought he would be upset with her. For the rest of the time she mentally cursed herself for being in this situation.

She started prepping for dinner anxiously waiting for Shaurya to come home. In her anxious state she kept messing up. First she dropped the can of beans on her foot. Then she ended up banging her head on an open cabinet door. The trifecta was when she cut herself not once, or twice but three times. The last cut was because she heard the elevator door and lost her grip on the knife and ended up slicing her index fingers.

She quickly ran her hand under the cold water for like 10 seconds before running out of the house to meet Shaurya in the hallway. When he saw her his face instantly transformed into anger and Anokhi's worst fears came true. He was mad at her.


Shaurya exited the elevator when he heard anokhi's door open. He quickly put on his acting face and gave her a angry look. He kept his angry look even when she looked worried. It took all the years of acting for him to keep the anger look. After all this was a great time to prank her about the silly emoji. He had the prefect plan setup for Anokhi.

But when he saw the drops of blood in the floor all his plans went out the window. He looked up and saw that the blood was coming from her right hand. Rushing to her he grabbed her hand gently and realized that one of her fingers was bleeding.

"What the h*ll Anokhi. How did you cut yourself?"

"I just got distracted. I heard the elevator and I needed to talk to you"

"What could be so important that you couldn't take care of yourself first?"

"I am sorry. It was by accident that I hit that emoji. I am so sorry"

Shaurya looked at her in surprise. He couldn't believe she was that worried over something so little.

"Are you kidding me? Over something so stupid."

He took her inside the house. She told him the first aid was in the kitchen so he too her there. He held her by the waist and lifted her on to the counter. Once he found the first aid open on the counter. He took the box near her and he started to clean and apply ointment to her cut. Over her protests he applied a bandage to her finger.

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