Chapter 7 - Tea test

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Anokhi didn't feel like going to the club. She wanted to spend the evening alone. She regretted saying yes to the invite. When Gaurav had said everyone was going including Shaurya she automatically agreed. Not for one moment did she think that Shaurya might not want her to go. Maybe that's why he didn't bring it up.

When she looked out the window she realized that they were parked. She looked at Shaurya and saw that he was staring at her. Wondering how long they were parked got out of the car quickly. To her relief he didn't ask any questions. As they headed to the elevator Anokhi heard his name being called. A older woman talking at a unbelievable speed stopped Shaurya to talk.

Taking the unexpected opportunity Anokhi left from there. She quickly rushed to her apartment and locked the door. She waited anxiously for 15 mins expecting Shaurya to come and demand an explanation, when he didn't she started to relax again.

For the rest of the afternoon she busied herself with cleaning every inch of her room. Trying not to think about Shaurya. Especially not thinking about why she was feeling annoyed and angry.

By the time she was done cleaning the room she came to a few realizations

    1. She liked Shaurya
    2. She was stupidly jealous
    3. She needed to stay away from him

Coming to the first realization was not hard for her. After all she only had to think about the conversation with Ahir and how she felt around him. Her celebrity crush on him has transformed into something more. Once she accepted the first realization she felt at peace with herself. The struggle she had for the last few days was finally resolved.

However, the second realization made her feel utterly foolish. Seeing the romantic scene between Shaurya and his co. star made her so angry. The chemistry between Shaurya and his leading lady were one of the reasons she loved the show. It was like watching fireworks. She could remember the times she prayed for some romance. The happiness she had when they had a romantic moment or two. The infinite number of times she rewatched their scenes. Today as she stood there and watched them - no watched him touch her, Anokhi wanted to yank his hand away. At one point she wanted to do physical harm to Ishika. She had left from thescene not being able to see it much longer.

Her third realization, actually decision was based on this morning too.

Gaurav followed her as she left the scene until they were seated at the living room set. Gaurav kept talking about the shooting and how different it is in real life. A simple 5 min scene takes a long time to shoot because they need different angles and focuses. The more he talked the more annoyed Anokhi got. So Shaurya will have to do multiple shots of the same scene. She half listened to Gaurav her attention still focused on Shaurya. She was just thinking about heading back to the shot when Gaurav talked about the plans for the evening.

When she looked at him confused he elaborated on the plan. Apparently all the cast and some crew members were planning a evening at the club to celebrate 3 years of the show. Shaurya didn't say anything to her at all. From what Gaurav had said Shaurya was definitely going. This whole conversation had her mind overthinking everything. She didn't confirm anything about going but when Gaurav came to the car he asked again. The surprise look on Shaurya's face confirmed her fears. He didn't tell her because he wasn't planning on taking her. Clearly for him there was no feelings for her than that of a neighbor.

Knowing that he didn't have any sort of feelings for her it would be better to stay away from him. Being around him will not help her get over her feelings. Infact she was sure it would make her fall for him deeply. What if she did something stupid and confessed her feelings to him. Rather it's better to be away from him. She made a promise that after tonight she would stay away from him.

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