10 - Conversations

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————Aastha and Shaurya———

"Mom can you please stop. I don't care about Bebo and her lengha problems. Nor do I care about Kitty and her guy problems."

"Shaurya they are your cousins"

"Mom I know that. I just don't care about their unnecessary drama or your need to gossip"

"I don't gossip"

"Mom if there was a competition you would get 2nd place."

"Why not first?"

"Cause unfortunately for me the other big gossip is here with me"

They both said "Devi" at the same time and laughed.

"Anyways. I called you for something."

"Of course, it's for something you never call just to talk to me"

"Seriously, you are such a dramatic person."

"What do you think your acting came from your dad. Please guy can't even lie to save his life"

"Are you going to listen or should I just hang up?"

"Okay okay. You have no sense of humor, in this you're like him. Now don't give me the angry eyes just tell me"

"I am dating someone!"

"Whatttt!! Why did you let me talk about rubbish when you had such big news. Who? When? Where? How? Whooo?"

"Who - Anokhi - my neighbor remember. When a few weeks ago. How - the normal sense of dating. Where - I have no clue what you mean. Who asks where in this context?"

"I knew it!! I knew you were lying to me about the news! When do I get to meet her?"

"I wasn't lying. We started dating later! As for meeting. I wish to avoid her meeting you as long as possible - so we will see"

"So you mean tonight. That is great. I can't wait to FaceTime you both tonight. I will tell your dad"

"I didn't say tonight! Mom give it some time"

"Either it's FaceTime or I am flying in this weekend?"

"Tonight at 7:30 is good for us"

——————Anokhi and Devi———————-

"You are too skinny. Eat some more food"

"This is my third plate! Anymore and my stomach will burst"

"Atleast you will have died eating good food"

"That's true. Honestly, you didn't have to make me breakfast. Especially since Shaurya left early."

"I like to cook and now that you two are dating him you get me. It's a package deal"

"It's a great deal then."

"That's sweet! Wait until you know me"

"I think Shaurya is afraid of you. The amount of times I heard him say "Devi said" as a reason to do something."

"It took years. To train him. Don't worry I think you are a fast learner"

"As you say Devi!"

"See your already learning."

"That I am, but also afraid of you"

"By the way you left your bra here!"


"That's yours right?"

"Ummm yes.."

"You don't sound so sure! If it's not yours then you have a bigger problem then embarrassment"

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