Chapter 4 - Chai and Tea

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Woke up next morning feeling much better. Seems like whatever bug he had caught was out of his system. He took a long shower to remove the remaining fatigue. After getting ready he went out to the living room and was surprised to find the house empty. Devi was always here by this time. He pulled out his phone and saw that he had many miss calls from his mom and one from Devi. He listened to her voicemail explaining that she will be gone for 3 days for a family thing. Apparently it wasn't a emergency but she needed to straighten out some idiots in the family. Shaurya smiled as he typed up a message to her and thought about the poor soul that will face Devi.

He really wanted chai but his chai never turned out well. He decided to walk to the near by café and get his chai. Since it was his day off from the set he would be able to relax and enjoy his chai. For Shaurya chai was life. He couldn't understand how people preferred coffee over chai. He especially disliked people who drank green tea. Like why ruin a chai like that he always said.

As he walked into the café paused his mental fight with people who preferred green tea over chai. He placed an order at the counter then went to find a table. Unfortunately not one table was available. He was about to ask the lady to make the order to go when he heard a familiar voice. He walked towards the person and saw a familiar sight. Her long hair was open with a thin braid running across her hair like a headband. She was working on her computer. He decided to sit down opposite her. When she didn't look up for a few minutes he snapped his fingers in front of her. She looked up in shock, which turned into surprise when she recognized him.


"Yeah me. Hi"

She removed her AirPods from her ear which explained why she didn't hear him move the chair.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him

He grinned at her "for my workout"

"Very funny!"

"Well it's a café so came for chai"

Just as he said the word chai the server dropped off the chai. He asked Anokhi if she wanted anything else.

"Yeah green tea with lemon please"

He nodded and left from there with her old cup. Shaurya shook his head and thought to himself - of course she like green tea. We both are going to be opposites

"What are you thinking about?"

"Ummm green tea, Is that your favorite?"

"Yes I love green tea. Why do you ask?"

"No reason just wondering"

"So what are you doing here, I haven't seen you here before today?"

"Devi is not here and I needed chai. So I came for that"

"Oh. You didn't want to make at home?"

"I can't make"

She looked at him shocked.

"What do you mean can't make chai. It's so simple"

"I know the basic concept but I don't know why every time I try something is wrong with it."

He must have looked very funny because she laughed. Not smiled but an actual laugh. He just stared at her. Her laugh was musical. He didn't even know if laughs could be musical but for him it sounded that way.

"Glad my chai problems make you happy"

"Sorry! I couldn't laugh you having a difficult time right now" as she said that she started to laugh again

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