20 - Bromance in the Air

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Shaurya sat down at the table as the smell of breakfast hit him. It didn't smell like Indian food so he figured Anokhi might have sweet talked Devi into letting her make breakfast.

He was about to head to the kitchen to see what what was happening but a text from his director stopped him. Seems like there were further changes to the story line and he wanted to discuss. Shaurya got up from the table and headed to the balcony to call him. 

By the time the call was completed he was frustrated about everything. The team was making so many changes that it didn't make sense to their story. His character was definitely regressing in development if they continued with the script. Unfortunately these changes were also angering the fans. Recent times he received so many letters and messages on social media about the on going tracks and how they didn't like to see Karan's character being butchered. Though he kept telling them to just wait and see how the story goes he wasn't believing his own words.

For the hundredth time this month he thought about his upcoming contract date. He had already received his renewal papers but had hold off on signing them. With the recent changes in the script he was forced to rethink signing the contract. He knew before any decisions he would need to talk to Anokhi because it would impact both of them. Putting aside the tension filled thoughts he started to get up from the table to help Anokhi in the kitchen. 

As he stepped into the kitchen, there was no Anokhi in the kitchen. There was a young man humming lightly as he cooked pancakes and stacked them on a plate. For a moment Shaurya stood there dumbfounded as to who it was until he remembered about Anokhi's friend Ahir. As Ahir started to dance, Shaurya thought it was best he get his attention.


No answer so he tried again.


Again no answer. So he went inside and tapped his shoulder. It was when Ahir removed his AirPods did Shaurya realize why he received no answer before.

"Sorry! Didn't realize you had AirPods on"

"Shaurya! It's okay man"

Before Shaurya could hold out his hand Ahir gave him an enthusiastic hug. Clearly He was a happy and over friendly guy.

Shaurya wanted to ask him why he was making breakfast but it sounded rude in his mind so he tried another way.

"Jet lag?"

"Yes! I have been up for a while. Wanted to surprise everyone with breakfast"

At this Shaurya looked at the food ahir had made. It was all American breakfast. He was glad Devi wasn't here or she would have a blow up. She disliked American breakfast unless she had a hankering for it.

"Umm Ahir! Thanks for the breakfast but you're the guest here. Let me take over."

"Come on man! What formalities is this. Anokhi's casa is mi casa. So technically your casa is mi casa too!"

He slapped Shaurya hard on the back as he laughed at his own joke. Shaurya couldn't help but smile. It's hard to be around so much happiness and energy without getting caught up in it.

As he was distracted for a second Ahir started taking plates to the table. He grabbed the last of plates and headed out too.

"What did you want to drink Ahir?"

"I have my coffee. Did you want some?"

"No I prefer chai"

Ahir turned around so swiftly in shock Shaurya took an involuntary step back.

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