19 - Ahir Arrives

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"So where is Mr Saberwal?"

"His name is Shaurya. Are you going to behave?"

"When do I not behave?"


"Oh fine. So where is your Shauryaaaa"

Anokhi looked over at Ahir as he stretched Shaurya's name to annoy her. She took her one hand off the wheel and hit him in the stomach.


"I said behave."

"Man... I feel bad for the guy. He must go through such physical abuse."

"My abuse is reserved for annoying people like you"

"I travelled so far just to see you and you are calling me annoying. What a great friend you are."

She took a deep breath and rather than continuing this pointless argument she decided to change the topic.

"Shaurya had to be on set today."

"The big star"

Since she was stopped at a light, she was able to give him a withering stare.

"Oh god. Fine. I won't say anything about that. What's for lunch? I am hungry."

She rolled her eyes. Ahir was always hungry. He could eat a meal for 6 people and an hour later be hungry.

"I made your favorite Mexican food."

"See I knew you loved me!"

She didn't reply to him. Rather just continued to drive back home.

"Geez. No joking at all. So how's your work?"

"The project is almost done. Everyone is trained too. So once we are live that will be it."

"Then back to the US?"

She didn't respond to him. They have been going back and forth on this topic for a week now.

"Anokhi yaar, you need to talk to him about this"

"I know. We already had a fight I am trying to figure out when to tell him."

He didn't say anything else to that. Anokhi too didn't know what to say. She had expected to be in India longer so she didn't tell Shaurya anything. But now with the project coming to a close she will need to talk to him.


She came out of her thoughts and looked at him.

"For bringing up the topic. We should be enjoying our time."

She smiled, glad that he understood her.

"I love you"

"What's not to love?"

She slapped his arm as he burst out laughing.


"I can't move."

"Maybe you shouldn't have eaten three bowls."

"And insult your cooking?"

She rolled her eyes at him. 

"I wouldn't have minded."

"I have manners Anokhi."

She kicked his leg as he tried to push her shoulder. 

"Yes you are....."

The rest of her words were muted by someone knocking. She was just about to get up when the door opened and Devi came in with arms fulls of grocery bags. She threw the bags on the table and continued towards the sofa cursing. Anokhi was just able to catch a few words of what she was saying.

"Hi Devi, what happened?"

"Men are idiots! I honestly don't know how they are considered the higher gender. They have nothing in their heads but filth."

She looked at Ahir as she spoke since he was the only man around. He quickly got up from the sofa raised his hands in surrender. Devi continued to glare at him. Anokhi knew that she should step in but the hilarity of the situation made her stay in her spot.

"I completely agree with you. We men are idiots. Especially the one that made such a beautiful woman angry. He should be publicly shamed and beaten."

Devi looked at him then at Anokhi.

"I like him."

Before Anokhi could reply. Ahir quickly walked  over to Devi and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"I like you too, Devi Darling"

Anokhi rolled her eyes at his antics. Ahir was a noted flirt. He could charm his way into the most coldest of hearts.

"Anokhi told us about you."

"Don't listen to anything she says. She hates me"

"Who could hate you?"

"That's what I say. Anyways come join us."

Anokhi moved to end of the sofa so that Devi could sit. As they sat down, Anokhi looked over at Devi. There was a big smile on her face. She could tell that Ahir's charm was starting to win over Devi. She let them converse while she  picked up her phone to message Shaurya. Surprisingly he answered right away.

'How's shooting?'

'It's going. There was a decision to switch the track'

'Oh no. Why did they change it'

'There was a lot of negative feedback as to how the current track was portraying Karan'

'Oh good'


'Honestly I didn't like the current track either. They were undoing all of Karan's character development. I am glad they are reconsidering'

'Well I am happy for you 😡'

'Why are you mad? I didn't say it was your fault.'

'It means that we will need to reshot of a lot of the scenes and it will blow our buffer episodes.'

'Ohh. Long hours for you?'

'Yes. I won't be able to make it for dinner tonight.'

'Dammit. Do you want me to bring you dinner?'

'No. We are ordering dinner so I am fine. You enjoy with Ahir. Tell him sorry. I will meet him in the morning'

'You don't have to say sorry. Anyways I think Devi is joining us'

'Devi really?'

'Yes. Ahir invited her. He has won her over.'

'Yeah right. It's not so easy to win over Devi. Even I am not sure if she likes me or not at times.'

'Well this is Ahir. He can charm his way.'

'I'll see about that. 😡'

Anokhi couldn't help but laugh at his antics. Clearly Shaurya can't help but be jealous about all the ladies in his life. Unfortunately for her, both Ahir and Devi looked up at her laughter.

"What happened?"

"Nothing. Shaurya, he won't be able to come for dinner. He said sorry"

"Ohh that's fine. Looks like it's just the three of us. So Devi darling where are we going to have our first date?"

"Am I uninvited Ahir?"

"No you will be the third wheel"

She threw a pillow at him as Devi laughed at Ahir.

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